Programme and Abstracts (PDF)
Editor/Urednica: Urška Bratož
The subject of the conference (resulting from a research project) is rooted in the conviction of the importance of exploring cultural and social representations of old age, addressing a number of issues, such as – among others – the question of the establishment of social mechanisms, the question of heterogeneity of the experience of old age and the differences in the position of men and women in old age, the question of vulnerability of the elderly in times of crisis, and the hiddenness of ageism in different social and cultural practices. These are all themes that are covered in different ways and from different angles by the contributions at the conference, which aims first and foremost to highlight the plurality and heterogeneity of perceptions and representations related to old age and ageing.
Tema konference (ki je rezultat raziskovalnega projekta) izhaja iz prepričanja o pomembnosti raziskovanja kulturnih in družbenih reprezentacij starosti, pri čemer je treba obravnavati številna vprašanja, kot so – med drugim – vprašanje vzpostavitve družbenih mehanizmov, vprašanje heterogenosti doživljanja starosti in razlik v položaju moških in žensk v starosti, vprašanje ranljivosti starejših v času krize ter prikritost stereotipiziranja in diskriminiranja ostarelih v različnih družbenih in kulturnih praksah. Vse te teme so na različne načine in z različnih zornih kotov obravnavane v prispevkih na konferenci, katere cilj je predvsem poudariti pluralnost in heterogenost dojemanj in predstav, povezanih s starostjo in staranjem.