Poligrafi vol. 22 No. 85/86 (2017): Islam and Democracy
Uredila / Edited by: Muhamed Ali and Anja Zalta
Table of Contents:
Muhamed Ali and Anja Zalta: Introduction
Muhidin Mulalić, Ahmed Kulanić: Religious Extremism vs. Multiculturalism in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Hikmet Karčić: Challenges and Temptations: Debates and Reactions of the Islamic Community to the War in Bosnia and Herzegovina 1992-1995
Jeton Mehmeti: Religious contestations in post-independent Kosovo
Özgür Kaymak, Anna Maria Beylunioğlu: An Analysis of National and Minority Identity Relationality: The Case of Antiochian Eastern Orthodox Community in Istanbul
Orsolya Falus: Waqf as a Traditional Legal Institution for Social Responsibility according to Natural Law
Sami Al-Daghistani: Morality or Money? Democracy and Islamic Economic Predicaments
Oskar Opassi: Muslims as the European “Other”: Between Self-awareness and Fundamentalism
Maja Pucelj: Islamophobia and Xenophobia in Slovenia Through the Eyes of Covered Muslim Women
Izdaja revije je bila finančno podprta s strani Javne agencije za raziskovalno dejavnost Slovenije.