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Poligrafi Vol. 21 No. 83/84 (2016): “BORDERS/DEBORDERING”: Towards a New World Culture of Hospitality

Uredila / Edited by: Helena Motoh, Maja Bjelica

Strani / Pages: 236 str. : ilustr. ; 24 cm

Leto / Published: 2016

Jezik / Language: angleški

ISBN: 978-961-6964-79-1

ISSN: 1318-8828

19,18  13,43  (Brez DDV: 12,79 )

Šifra: PPOLI009
Kategorije: , ,


Poligrafi vol. 21 No. 83/84 (2016): “BORDERS/DEBORDERING”: Towards a New World Culture of Hospitality

Uredila / Edited by: Helena Motoh, Maja Bjelica

Table of Contents:

Janko M. Lozar: Debordering the Borders of Time: Towards the Primordiality of Hospitality
Lana Pavić:
Hospitality as a Virtue of the Place
Rok Svetlič:
Debordering of the Border and Its Limit
Maja Zadel:
The Meaning of National and Cultural Borders Among
Inhabitants of Slovenian Istria: A Case Study of Italo-Slovenian Transculturality

Dragan Potočnik:
Maribor: In Search of The City’s Identity after the
First World War

Peter Jordan:
The Border between »Ours« and »Theirs« Drawn by Place Names

Angelos Evangelou: Peace-Making within the Green and Liminal
Border of Cyprus

Shiva Hemmati:
Debordering the Borders of Self and Other, and Matter
and Spirit in Mysticism

Nadja Furlan Štante:
Women’s Voices and Vulnerability: Invisible and Visible Obstacles
Cara Judea Alhadeff:
Decolonizing Our Wombs: Gender Justice and

Izdaja revije je bila finančno podprta s strani Javne agencije za raziskovalno dejavnost Slovenije.

Dodatne podrobnosti

Dimenzije 165 × 235 cm



Leto izida

ISBN 978-961-6964-79-1
ISSN 1318-8828
Število strani 236