Izhod iz enostavnega načina

Irina M. Cavaion: LET’S CONTACT

Avtorica / Author: Irina M. Cavaion

Strani / Pages: 273

Leto izida / Published: 2016

Jezik / Language: English

ISBN: 978-961-6964-65-4

15,34  (Brez DDV: 14,61 )

Šifra: 978-961-6964-65-4
Kategorije: , ,
Oznaki: ,


Let’s contact! : an introductory study to CoBLaLT

Avtorica / Author: Irina M. Cavaion

Delo Irine M. Cavaion predstavlja izvirni prispevek k razumevanju statusa, rabe in ohranitve jezikov v obmejnih prostorih, kot je slovensko-italijanski, obenem pa tudi poskus temeljitejše opredelitve izraza ‘sosedski jeziki’. Z vidika neposredne uporabnosti znanstvene monografije v empirični pedagoški praksi je v delu predstavljen model za učenje in poučevanje sosedskih jezikov, ki mu sledi diskusija z rezultati kvalitativne akcijske raziskave, namenjene ugotavljanju izvedljivosti predlaganega modela v šolah slovensko-italijanskega obmejnega območja.

Uporabni vidik tega dela, tako v mednarodnem kot tudi v domačem znanstvenem prostoru je izvirna metodologija CoBLaLT (didaktika jezikovnega in kulturnega stika) kot didaktična strategija dnevnega, živega in virtualnega stika, ponuja dopolnitev in obogatitev učenja poučevanja jezikov (drugih, tujih, sosedskih). Poleg izvirnih oblik dela in novih oblik, ki jih ponuja tudi inforamcijska tehnologija, predstavlja svežo novost, še posebej privlačno za mlade. (Iz recenzije prof. dr. Gorana Filipija)

Izdajo monografije je finančno podprla / Financial support: Javna agencija za raziskovalno dejavnost Republike Slovenije.

By presenting the case of teaching and learning neighbouring languages, the author discusses the specifics of contact spaces with their particular sensitivity towards linguistic, cultural, historical and socio-political dimensions.

The development of a coherent methodological framework of learning and teaching of neighbouring languages in the form of a didactic model is truly an original contribution to the development of effective tools and strategies for the systematization of teaching a neighbouring / a second language in multilingual environments.

In addition to the original forms of work and new forms offered by the information technology, the work presents a fresh approach, particularly attractive for young people.

(from the review by Prof. Goran Filipi, PhD)

The scientific monograph brings key findings in the field of linguistics in the broadest sense, i. e from different linguistic intra- and inter-disciplinary sciences, sociolinguistics and psycholinguistics.

The monograph is an original research and scientific work which represents significant methodological and substantive developments both on the local as well as on the international level. It is a new approach to the subject of multilingualism, language contacts and language didactics on the linguistically-exposed areas, with a particular focus on the Italian-Slovenian language contact. Another important novelty is the theoretical-empirical model presented by the author.

(from the review by Prof. Mateja Sedmak, PhD)


Dodatne podrobnosti

Teža 0,475 kg
Dimenzije 16,5 × 23,5 cm



Leto izida

ISBN 978-961-6964-65-4
Število strani 273