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Poligrafi Vol. 17 No. 65/66 (2013): Bodily Proximity

Uredila / Edited by: Sigrid Hackenberg y Almansa, Lenart Škof

Strani / Pages: 287 str. : ilustr. ; 24 cm

Leto / Published: 2013

Jezik / Language: angleški, francoski

ISBN: 978-961-6862-62-2

ISSN: 1318-8828

19,18  13,43  (Brez DDV: 12,79 )

Šifra: PPOLI002
Kategorije: , ,


Poligrafi Vol. 17 No. 65/76 (2013): Bodily Proximity

Uredila / Edited by: Sigrid Hackenberg y Almansa, Lenart Škof

Table of Contents:

Bracha l. Ettinger: Choice for a virtual exhibition III: Paintings, drawings, notebooks 1987-2011
racha l. Ettinger: Diotime et le transfert matrixiel: l’événement-
rencontre psychanalytique comme prégnance dans le beau (2007)
Gina Rae Foster: The dissonant resonance of becomings: copoiesis and (non-)pulsed time in musical proximities
Julia Hölzl: In/possible relation: Being, Time, Death
Haj-Ismail: The impossibility of being self/other
Ogawa: Global philosophy from the viewpoint of living flesh
Wolfgang Schirmacher: Homo generator in the postmodern discussion:
From a conversation with Jean-François Lyotard
Škof: Ethics of Breath: Towards New Ethical Spaces of Intersubjectivity
Stephen David Ross: Living with the animals… In the fullness of our nonidentities…
Sigrid Hackenberg y Almansa: A secret life of the hand
Anne Mulhall: ‘This is where my head begins’:
things, trauma and feminine proximities

Izdaja revije je bila finančno podprta s strani Javne agencije za raziskovalno dejavnost Slovenije.

Dodatne podrobnosti

Dimenzije 165 × 235 cm