EUROPEAN CONTINENTALISM. A History of Europeanisation
Avtorica / Author: Cirila Toplak
The book European Continentalism, A History of Europeanisation by Cirila Toplak represents a rare and original contribution to European studies. Relying on an impressive amount of readings, the book breaks with the hyperspecialization and fragmentation typical for mainstream European studies to propose a refreshingly big picture of the Europeanisation process.
[…] In giving this big picture, the book makes emerge a new point on Europeanisation, a point which also manages to embrace and puts together issues that are generally separated, such as the centre/periphery tensions, the relationship between Europeanisation and Americanisation, the complex combination of the building of representations of Europe and the objective evolutions of the process.
(from the review by Prof. Didier Georgakakis, PhD)
The present book is an important contribution to the understanding of the integration of the European continent, as it illustrates the processes of Europeanization with concrete examples, besides offering a theoretical overview and presenting all the key dilemmas. It comes just at the right time, when the European Union finds itself at a turning point of its existence as, due to the crisis, lack of solidarity between the Member States and the problem of refugees and war victims, its current institutional arrangement fails to cope with difficulties, and it particularly does not make progress in the direction of development. Therefore, it would be recommendable to delve into the history of Europeanization, looking for the sources of inspiration for the future.
(from the review by Prof. Jernej Pikalo, PhD)
Izdajo monografije je finančno podprla / Financial support: Javna agencija za raziskovalno dejavnost Republike Slovenije.