Poligrafi, Vol. 22 No. 87/88 (2017): Religions and Dialogue
Uredila / Edited by: Helena Motoh, Lenart Škof
Vsebina / Table of Contents
Vojko Strahovnik: Humility, Religions, and Dialogue
Lenart Škof: On Some Foundations of Pluralistic Religious Science and Theology of Multiplicity
Helena Motoh: Accommodation and universalism: an early modern experiment in religious dialogue
Nadja Furlan Štante: Feminist Theology as a Special Philosophy of Religions and Theology of Religions
Bojan Žalec: Christianity and Islam: the Same God and Semantical Externalism
Maja Bjelica: The Turkish Alevi: In Search of an Identity
Mari Jože Osredkar: Theology of Sacrifice
Izdaja revije je bila finančno podprta s strani Javne agencije za raziskovalno dejavnost Slovenije.