About the Research Programme
ARIS Code: P6-0279
Period: 1. 1. 2020–31. 12. 2027
Head of research programme: dr. Lenart Škof
This research programme focuses on investigating the complexity of the proposed problems by using a combined and coordinated interdisciplinary approach of internationally recognised research groups from the fields of humanities (philosophy) and social sciences (sociology), thus deepening and extending the work already successfully initiated and carried out. The studies in this programme will be focussed in particular on the liminal spaces, emerging within various cultural and societal areas, with their inherent risks and vulnerabilities analysed from the philosophical and sociological, but also broadly humanistic (feminist and gender studies, religious studies and cultural studies) points of view. Within recent developments – such as migration and humanitarian crisis in Europe and especially in the Mediterranean, political processes that threaten or even block further European integration and with the demise of the multi- or intercultural values and values of interreligious dialogue in favor or a more populist scenarios, we are in a need of a response and an indepth study of contemporary phenomena, related to the risks (tat are social and political) and vulnerabilities (as related to the human body and her/his identity) as present and detected in our societies and as found within communities that we are a part of. The main topics and objectives of this project will be: investigations into liminal spaces and borders shaping our lives in the age of uncertainty; studies of the elements of risk society with migration, especially as related to vulnerable bodies and identities of children/minors, women, migrants, dispossessed persons, religious minorities etc.; studies of cultural and societal liminal and contact areas in light of intercultural and interreligious dialogue; finally, peace building and studies in ethics and politics of hospitality and social and political cohabitation, also as related to the future role of Islam in Europe. Within the programme, we will innovatively apply the concept of caring democracy to the field of vulnerability and risk and propose a new view on social and political cohabitation in Europe and in the Mediterranean.
The scientific work of the research programme »Liminal Spaces: Areas of Cultural and Societal Cohabitation in the Age of Risk and Vulnerability« (P6-0279) is financed by the Slovenian Research and Innovation Agency (ARIS).
Research Programme Team
Research Programme Leaders
Research Programme Team
Philosophical Group:
(Collaborating in the research team since 2020)
(Collaborating in the research team since 2022)
(Collaborating in the research team since 2023)
(Collaborated in the research team in the years 2020 and 2021)
Sociological Group:
(Collaborated in the research team in the years 2020 and 2021)
Research Programme Results
Evaluation of bibliographic research performance indicators according to ARIS methodology
Scientific publications
- Škof, Lenart (2024): »Animal pneuma: reflections on environmental respiratory phenomenology«. Philosophies, vol. 9, no. 2, [article no.] 33, 10 p.
- Bjelica, Maja (2023): »Tišina: dialektičnost, nedoločnost, razpoložljivost in gostoljubnost«. Monitor ISH, vol. XXV, no. 2, pp. 124–151.
- Dežan, Lucija and Mateja Sedmak (2023): »How do you feel at school?: a cross-country comparative analysis of migrant adolescents’ school well-being«. Frontiers in education, vol. 8.
- Gornik, Barbara (2023): »A child-centred asylum policy: building on evidence and unaccompanied asylum-seeking children’s views«. Children & society, vol. 37, no. 6, pp. 2154–2170.
- Kersten, Carool (2023): »Inhuman Rationality: Speculative Realism, Normativity and Praxis.« Sophia vol. 62, no. 4, pp. 723–738.
- Kersten, Carool (2023): »Islamische Religionsphilosophien damals und heute«. In Religionsphilosophien Heute – Stimmen – Schauplätze – Systeme, Ed. E. Heinrich-Ramharter, pp. 255–288.
- Lenarčič, Blaž and Zorana Medarić (2023): »Use of information-communication technologies among unaccompanied migrant youth in liminal places«. In: Community structures and processes on lives of refugee children, Eds. S. Leitão, and Y. Vissing, Yvonne, pp. 83–100. Wilmington; Malaga: Vernon Press 2023. Series in Sociology.
- Parisi, Alberto (2023): »Intentio Spiritus: The Materialist, Pneumatological Origins of Augustine’s Intention.« Poligrafi, vol. 28, no. 111/112, pp. 73–120.
- Pirc, Gašper (2023): »The normativity of (digital) sociality : the rise of virtual societies and the question of human distinctiveness in the changed world.« Monitor ISH : revija za humanistične in družbene znanosti, vol. 25, no. 2, pp. 25–51.
- Sedmak, Mateja, Zorana Medarić and Lucija Dežan (2023): »“Othering” and integration of migrant children and young people of Albanian ethnic origin : evidence from Slovenian schools«. In: Global migration and diversity of educational experiences in the Global South and North: a child-centred approach, Eds. S. Arun et al. pp. 73–89. London; New York: Routledge.
- Škof, Lenart (2023): Antigones Schwestern: über die Matrix der Liebe. 1st ed. Baden-Baden: Karl Alber. 219 p. Alber Philosophie.
- Škof, Lenart (2023): »Poljub z dihom: filozofska teologija ljubečega srečanja«. Poligrafi : revija za religiologijo, mitologijo in filozofijo, vol. 28, no. 111/112, pp. 277–300.
- Škof, Lenart (2023): »On dreams, human imagination, and technology«. Religions, vol. 14, no. 10, [article no.] 1249, 9 p.
- Škorjanc, Tjaša (2023): »Liminalne oblike dotika : ASMR kot spojek onto-fenomenološkega dotika in prvin sodobnosti«. Problemi, vol. 61, no. 9–10, pp. 195–244.
- Bjelica, Maja (2022): »Aleviness, music, and hospitality«. Muzikološki zbornik, vol. 58, no. 1, pp. 101–121.
- Bjelica, Maja (2022): “The ethics of deep listening: a practice for environmental awareness.” The Polish Journal of Aesthetics, vol. 64, no.1, pp. 37–56.
- Gornik, Barbara (2022): “(Methodological) nationalism and academic debates on the integration of migrant children.” Studies in ethnicity and nationalism, l 22, no.2, pp. 69–84.
- Gornik, Barbara (2022): “Special issue: Nationalism and the integration of migrant children : introduction.” Studies in ethnicity and nationalism, vol. 22, no. 2, pp. 64–68.
- Gornik, Barbara (2022): “Transcending non-citizenship? : looking at asylum policy through the lens of a child-centred approach and the procedural justice perspective.” Citizenship studies, vol. 26, no. 7, pp. 978–994.
- Gornik, Barbara, and Mateja Sedmak (2022): “The child-centred approach to the integration of migrant children: the MiCREATE Project.” In: Migrant children’s integration and education in Europe: approaches, methodologies and policies, eds. M. Sedmak et al., pp. 99–118. Barcelona: Octaedro; Koper: Annales ZRS.
- Kersten, Carool (2022): “Qiyama as rebellion, taqiyya as hypercamouflage: the political theology of Reza Negarestani.” World Futures: The Journal of General Evolution, 78, no. 2–4, pp. 256–267.
- Lenarčič, Blaž, and Lucija Dežan (2022): “I am home, wherever I may roam: ICT as a tool for the (two-way) integration of migrant youth in the European Union.” In: Migrant children’s integration and education in Europe: approaches, methodologies and policies, eds. M. Sedmak et al., pp. 353–373. Barcelona: Octaedro; Koper: Annales ZRS.
- Medarić, Zorana, and Maja Zadel (2022): “‘Družina je najpomembnejša!’ Vloga družine pri integraciji priseljenih otrok v šolsko okolje.” In Socio-ekološka transformacija: Slovensko sociološko srečanje, Ljubljana, 4.–5. november 2021, ed. M. Ignjatovič et al., pp. 22–27. Ljubljana: Slovene Sociological Association.
- Medarić, Zorana, Barbara Gornik, and Mateja Sedmak (2022): “What about the family?: the role and meaning of family in the integration of migrant children: evidence from Slovenian schools.” Frontiers in Education, vol. 7, no. 1003759, pp. 1–12.
- Pirc, Gašper (2022): Kritična hermenevtika: pravno pripoznanje in politična oblast. Koper: Znanstveno-raziskovalno središče, Annales ZRS.
- Sedmak, Mateja, and Zorana Medarić (2022): “Anchoring, feelings of belonging, and the complex identities of migrant teenagers in Slovenia.” Studies in Ethnicity and Nationalism, vol. 22, no. 2, pp. 99–116.
- Sedmak, Mateja, Fernano Hernández-Hernández, Juana María Sancho, and Barbara Gornik (2022): “Reflection on migrant children’s integration and the role of education: editors’ introduction. In: Migrant children’s integration and education in Europe: approaches, methodologies and policies, eds. M. Sedmak et al., pp. 17–36. Barcelona: Octaedro; Koper: Annales ZRS.
- Škof, Lenart (2022): “Democracy of breath and fire: Irigarayan meditations.” Sophia: the international journal for philosophical theology, cross-cultural philosophy of religion and ethics, vol. 61, no. 1, pp. 117–133. ŠKOF, Lenart (2022): “Teologija religij W. C. Smitha in medreligijski dialog.” In Izzivi medreligijskih in medkulturnih stikov in možnosti vzpostavitve dialoga, eds. G. Mithans and N. Furlan Štante, pp. 53–67. Koper: Znanstveno-raziskovalno središče Koper, Annales ZRS.
- Bjelica, Maja (2021): “Alevijstvo in kultura diha.” Bogoslovni vestnik: glasilo Teološke fakultete v Ljubljani, vol. 81, no. 4, pp. 999–1012.
- Bjelica, Maja (2021): “Listening: an interdisciplinary path towards letting things be.” Horizon: fenomenologičeskie issledovaniâ, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 212–231.
- Furlan Štante, Nadja (2021): “Ekofeministična teologija soodvisnosti: konstruktivistični teološki pristop k sodobni okoljski (ne)pravičnosti in ranljivosti.” Poligrafi: revija za religiologijo, mitologijo in filozofijo, vol. 26, no. 103/104, pp. 23–38.
- Furlan-Štante, Nadja (2021): “Marija kot arhetip (post)krščanske paradigme kozmične pravičnosti.” In Pravičnost, sram, nasilje in feminino: filozofski in večdisciplinarni vpogledi, eds. N. Furlan Štante, M. Bjelica, and L. Škof, pp. 71–81. Koper: Znanstveno-raziskovalno središče Koper, Annales ZRS.
- Furlan-Štante, Nadja (2021): “The mother of all living: empowering women in religious (eco)peace-building.” In Women’s religious voices: migration, culture and (eco)peacebuilding, eds. N. Furlan Štante, M. Bjelica and R. J. Anić, pp. 119–135. Zürich: LIT.
- Gornik, Barbara, and Mateja Sedmak (2021): “The child-centred approach to the integration of migrant children: the MiCREATE Project.” In Migrant Children’s Integration and Education in Europe: Approaches, Methodologies, and Policies, ed. M. Sedmak et al., pp. 99–118. Barcelona: Octaedro.
- Gornik, Barbara, Lucija Dežan, Zorana Medarić, and Mateja Sedmak (2021): “Šolanje priseljenih učencev in dijakov v času pandemije Covid-19.” In Pandemična družba, Slovensko sociološko srečanje, Ljubljana, September 24–25, 2021, ed. M. Ignjatovič et al., pp. 22–27. Ljubljana: Slovene Sociological Association.
- Lenarčič, Blaž, and Lucija Dežan (2021): “I am home, wherever I may roam: ICT as a tool for the (two-way) integration of migrant youth in the European Union.” In Migrant Children’s Integration and Education in Europe: Approaches, Methodologies, and Policies, ed. M. Sedmak et al., pp. 353–373. Barcelona: Octaedro.
- Medarić, Zorana, and Blaž Lenarčič (2021): “The best of both worlds: use of information-communication technologies among teenage migrants in Slovenia.” In: Towards the actor coordination model: a case of unaccompanied minor migrants in transition to adulthood, ed. V. Dermol, pp. 27–39. Bangkok, Celje, and Lublin: ToKnowPress.
- Medarić, Zorana, Mateja Sedmak, Lucija Dežan, and Barbara Gornik (2021): “Integration of migrant children in Slovenian schools = La integración de los niños migrantes en las escuelas eslovena.” C&E, cultura y educación, vol. 33, no. 4, pp. 758–785.
- Osterrieder, Anne, Lenart Škof et al. (2021): “Economic and social impacts of COVID-19 and public health measures: results from an anonymous online survey in Thailand, Malaysia, the UK, Italy and Slovenia.” BMJ open, vol. 11, no. 7, pp. 1–12.
- Sedmak, Mateja, Fernando Hernández-Hernández, Juana María Sancho, and Barbara Gornik (2021): “Reflection on migrant children’s integration and the role of education: editors’ introduction.” In Migrant Children’s Integration and Education in Europe: Approaches, Methodologies, and Policies, ed. M. Sedmak et al., pp. 17–36. Barcelona: Octaedro.
- Sedmak, Mateja, Zorana Medarić, and Lucija Dežan (2021): “‘Procesi sidranja’ in ‘sidrišča’ priseljenih mladostnikov v Sloveniji.” In Pandemična družba, Slovensko sociološko srečanje, Ljubljana, September 24–25, 2021, ed. M. Ignjatovič et al., pp. 60–64. Ljubljana: Slovene Sociological Association.
- Škof, Lenart (2021): Antigone’s sisters: on the matrix of love. SUNY series in Theology and Continental Thought. Albany: SUNY Press. Škof, Lenart (2021): Sëstry Antigony: o matrice ljubvi. Moscow and Sankt-Petersburg: Nestor-Istorija.
- Andrejč, Gorazd (2020): “Radikalizacija in religijski ekstremizem v luči svobodne religije in prepričanja.” Časopis za kritiko znanosti, vol. 48, no. 280, pp. 72–94.
- Andrejč, Gorazd (2020): “Religious moral languages, secularity and hermeneutical injustice.” In Past and present political theology: expanding the canon, eds. D. Vanden Auwelle and M. Vassanyi, pp. 199–216. London and New York: Routledge.
- Bjelica, Maja (2020): “Listening to otherness: the case of the Turkish Alevis.” Annales: anali za istrske in mediteranske študije, Series historia et sociologia, vol. 30, no. 3, pp. 367–382.
- Bjelica, Maja (2020): “O proučevanju in razumevanju turških alevijskih skupnosti: izbrani antropološki in etnografski pogledi.” Glasnik Slovenskega etnološkega društva, vol. 60, no. 2, pp. 16–29.
- Dežan, Lucija, and Mateja Sedmak (2020): “Policy and practice: the integration of (newly arrived) migrant children in Slovenian schools.” Annales: anali za istrske in mediteranske študije, Series historia et sociologia, vol. 30, no. 4, pp. 559–574.
- Furlan Štante, Nadja (2020): “Christian-Muslim women in religious peacebuilding, breaking cycles of violence.” Poligrafi: revija za religiologijo, mitologijo in filozofijo, vol. 25, no. 99/100, pp. 45–55.
- Furlan Štante, Nadja (2020): “Strengths and weaknesses of women’s religious peace-building (in Slovenia).” Annales: anali za istrske in mediteranske študije, Series historia et sociologia, vol. 30, no. 3, pp. 343–354.
- Gornik, Barbara (2020): “The principles of child-centred migrant integration policy: conclusions from the literature.” Annales: anali za istrske in mediteranske študije, Series historia et sociologia, vol. 30, no. 4, pp. 531–542.
- Gornik, Barbara, Lucija Dežan, Mateja Sedmak, and Zorana Medarić (2020): “Distance learning in the time of the COVID-19 pandemic and the reproduction of social inequality in the case of migrant children.” Družboslovne razprave, vol. 36, no. 94/95, pp. 149–168.
- Lenarčič, Blaž, and Rok Smrdelj (2020): “Družabnost, fizična distanca in informacijsko-komunikacijske tehnologije v obdobju epidemije SARS-COV-2.” Družboslovne razprave, vol. 36, no. 94/95, pp.125–148.
- Medarić, Zorana (2020): “Migrant children and child-centredness: experiences from Slovenian schools,” Annales: anali za istrske in mediteranske študije, Series historia et sociologia, vol. 30, no. 4, pp. 543–558.
- Škof, Lenart (2020): “The third age: reflections on our hidden material core.” Sophia: the international journal for philosophical theology, cross-cultural philosophy of religion and ethics, vol. 59, no. 1, pp. 83–94.
Conferences, public and keynote lectures, roundtables
- Bjelica, Maja (2024): “Rhythms of Silence for a Posthuman Ethics.” Paper at the international transdisciplinary conference Rhythm in Transformation Processes, at the series of conferences Transformed Humanity in Search for Stability: Rhythms in Philosophy, Nature, Art. Riga, University of Latvia, May 16–18.
- Pirc, Gašper (2024): “The advent of digital violence.” Paper at the 3rd International Conference of the Slovenian Philosophical Society,Violence and interpretation. Ljubljana, February 9–10.
- Sedmak, Mateja (2024): “Reproduktivno zdravje in pravice.” Lecture at the event of the PITCH project. Znanstveno raziskovalno središče Koper, February 13.
- Škof, Lenart (2024): “A Path to the Post-Christianity: Reflections on Theology of the Future.” Invited lecture at the Maxwell Institute for Religious Scholarship, Brigham Young University, April 3.
- Škof, Lenart (2024): “Rhythms of Breath, Rhythms of Love.” Keynote lecture at the international transdisciplinary conference Rhythm in Transformation Processes, at the series of conferences Transformed Humanity in Search for Stability: Rhythms in Philosophy, Nature, Art. Riga, University of Latvia, May 16–18.
- Bjelica, Maja (2023): “Listening and Breathing: An Ethical Conspiracy.” Paper at the International Conference Respiratory Philosophy: A Paradigm Shift. Portorož, June 18–21.
- Dežan, Lucija (2023): “Dobrodošli v naših šolah?” Lecture in the frame of the course Applied Social Psychology, Faculty of Arts, University of Maribor. May 4.
- Dežan, Lucija (2023): “Integration of migrant learners in Slovenian schools: what are we doing and where are we going?” Paper at 2nd international conference Sodobnost za prihodnost – z bližino urimo doktrino. Ljutomer, April 1.
- Dežan, Lucija (2023): “O službah, študiju in sociologiji.” Roundtable. Maribor, December 11.
- Dežan, Lucija (2023): “Šolsko (psihološko) blagostanje priseljenih mladih na primeru šestih evropskih držav.” Paper at the Meeting of the Slovenian Sociologic Society “Dolgoživa družba: posledice in izzivi.” Koper, October 19–21.
- Gornik, Barbara (2023): “Peace-building, human rights and refugees: anthropological perspective.” Lecture at the AMEU-ISH Summer School, Peacemaking in Everyday Life. Ljubljana, June 26–30.
- Gornik, Barbara (2023): “Protestna gibanja v času epidemije Covid-19: čustva, vrednote in identitete.” Paper at the Meeting of the Slovenian Sociologic Society “Dolgoživa družba: posledice in izzivi.” Koper, October 19–21.
- Gornik, Barbara (2023): “The anti-government bicycle protests in Slovenia: the emotional dimensions and affective states.” Paper at hte ECPR General Conference. Prague, September 4–8.
- Košir, Suzana, Radhika Lakshminarayanan, and Lucija Dežan (2023): “Prikaz pravic žensk v družboslovnih učbenikih na primeru Indije.” Paper at the Meeting of the Slovenian Sociologic Society “Dolgoživa družba: posledice in izzivi.” Koper, October 19–21.
- Medarić, Zorana, and Maja Zadel (2023): “Integration, assimilation, or something else? Perceptions of Slovenian education staff on migrant children becoming part of society.” Paper at the ASEN Conference 2023: Nationalism and Multiculturalism. Loughborough, April 3–5.
- Pirc, Gašper (2023): “Humans, Nature, and Society in the Era of Virtual Societies.” Paper at the conference International Philosophical Dialogue “East-West”. Skopje and online, December 6–7.
- Pirc, Gašper (2023): “Negativna dialektika, družbena komunikacija in človeško trpljenje = Negative dialectics, social communication and human suffering.” In: 10. mednarodna filozofska konferenca in delavnica Kierkegaard : grožnja tehnologije in upanje na obstoj med »še ne« in »ne več«: kako lahko ljudje sploh živimo v negotovih časih, ko nam grozi popolna odprava človeštva? [Ljubljana, 6. 6.-10. 6. 2022]., ed. P. Repar, p. 114–116. Ljubljana: KUD Apokalipsa: The Central European Institute Soeren Kierkegaard.
- Pirc, Gašper (2023): “Normative standards, human condition, and the artificial intelligence in Europe at the crossroads.” Paper at It’s about people 2023: social and technological development in service of security and dignity: the 11th Annual Conference of Europe’s Sciences and Arts Leaders and Scholars.Maribor, March 10–17.
- Pirc, Gašper (2023): “Recognition-centric view on human–nature relationship in the time of artificially recreated nature and virtual society.” Paper at SASCT 5th Annual Conference University of the Free State. Bloemfontein and online, November 16–18.
- Pirc, Gašper (2023): “The Rise of Virtual Societies and the Question of Human Distinctiveness in the Changed World.” Paper at the conference Perspectives about Truth 2. Bucharest and online, September 29–30.
- Sedmak, Mateja (2023): “Critical reflection on the management of European multicultural societies.” Lecture at AMEU-ISH Summer School, Peacemaking in Everyday Life. Ljubljana, June 26–30.
- Sedmak, Mateja (2023): “Data collection & challenges in research with children.” Presentation at the CESSDA Webinar “Forum on using and sharing research data about child well-being”. December 8.
- Sedmak, Mateja (2023): “Migracije in integracija otrok in mladostnikov v države Prihoda.” Online lecture at the Ministry for education. November 23.
- Sedmak, Mateja (2023): “Naprej brez predsodkov: kako se boriti proti starostni diskriminaciji v vseh starostnih skupinah.” Roundtable co-organized by Zavod OPRO and Sekcija Sociologija časa, Slovensko sociološko društvo. Ljubljana, June 7.
- Sedmak, Mateja (2023): “Otroci priseljenci in priseljenske skupnosti v spreminjajoči se Evropi.” Presentation at the webinar “Izkušnje in dobre prakse s prijavami projektov Obzorje 2020 in Obzorje Evropa.” December 5.
- Sedmak, Mateja (2023): “Soočanje z večkulturnostjo v vrtcih.” Vrtec Tržič, January 10.
- Sedmak, Mateja (2023): “What children think? Child-centred approach as social innovation in education.” Online seminar at the TESI – Training and education in Social Innovation webinar series. June 8.
- Sedmak, Mateja (2023): “Otrokosrediščni pogled na vključevanje priseljenih otrok v slovenske vrtce/šole in družbo.” Plenary lecture at the 9th International Online Conference of the Project “Pomahajmo v svet”.
- Sedmak, Mateja (2023): “Določanje najboljših koristi za otroka in pomen kulturnih kompetenc.” Presentation at the event Obravnava otrok brez spremstva. Koper, February 14.
- Sedmak, Mateja and Barbara Gornik (2023): “Migrant integration (policy) as a nationalising practice: is there room for multiculturalism?” Paper at the ASEN Conference 2023: Nationalism and Multiculturalism. Loughborough, April 3–5.
- Škof, Lenart (2023): “Breath-kiss: A Philosophy of Loving Encounter.” Paper at the International Conference Respiratory Philosophy: A Paradigm Shift. Portorož, June 18–21.
- Dežan, Lucija, and Blaž Lenarčič (2022): “Med digitalnim in analognim: vloga informacijsko-komunikacijske tehnologije pri integraciji priseljenih mladostnikov.” Meeting of the Slovenian Sociological Society Socio-ekološka transformacija. Ljubljana, November 4–5.
- Dežan, Lucija, Blaž Lenarčič, and Zorana Medarić (2022): “When two worlds collide: the role of ICT in migration process of children and youth.” Paper at International Conference Child migration and integration: trends and challenges. Ljubljana, June 2–4.
- Furlan Štante, Nadja (2022): “Women between violence and (religious) peace-building.” Paper at the International conference Unwounded World: a Marian Peace for Our Shared Future. Rome, ACU Villa Maria Campus, October 5–6.
- Gornik, Barbara(2022). “The Child-Centred Approach to the Integration of Migrant Children.” Lecture given at the Master of Advanced Studies in Children’s Rights 2020–2021. University of Geneva, June 24.
- Gornik, Barbara (2022): “Legal entitlement to Education of migrant children.” Lecture given at the Master of Advanced Studies in Children’s Rights 2020–2021. University of Geneva, June 24.
- Gornik, Barbara (2022): “Otrokosrediščna azilna politika: perspektive mladoletnih prosilcev za mednarodno zaščito.” Paper at the Meeting of the Slovenian Sociological Society Socio-ekološka transformacija. Ljubljana, November 4–5.
- Gornik, Barbara (2022): “Slovenian asylum policy from the perspective of unaccompanied minor migrants.” Paper at International Conference Child migration and integration: trends and challenges. Ljubljana, June 2–4.
- Gornik, Barbara and Mateja Sedmak (2022):“Child centred approach to integration and asylum policy.” Presentation given at the Final Conference of the CHILD-UP research project: “Dialogue for hybrid integration narratives and promotion of agency of children with migrant background.” Brussels, June 9–10.
- Kersten, Carool (2022): “Suffering and substitution in the thought of J.-K. Huysmans & Louis Massignon.” Paper at the International conference Unwounded World: a Marian Peace for Our Shared Future. Rome, ACU Villa Maria Campus, October 5–6.
- Medarić, Zorana, and Maja Zadel (2022): “‘Družina je najpomembnejša!’ Vloga družine pri integraciji priseljenih otrok v šolsko okolje.” Paper at the Meeting of the Slovenian Sociological Society Socio-ekološka transformacija. Ljubljana, November 4–5.
- Pirc, Gašper (2022): “Negative dialectics, social communication and human suffering.” Paper at the conference The 10th International Philosophical Conference and Workshop of Søren Kierkegaard, Krušče, Slovenia, June 9–10.
- Pirc, Gašper (2022): “Social normatively and social communication in time after Covid-19: Critical-theoretic perspectives.” Paper at the conferencePerspectives about truth, Bucharest and online, June 20–22.
- Sedmak, Mateja (2022): “Critical reflection on the method and challenges of a child-centered approach to the collection of autobiographical life stories from migrant children and young people.” Paper at International Conference Child migration and integration: trends and challenges. Ljubljana, June 2–4.
- Sedmak, Mateja (2022): “Otroci priseljenci in priseljenske skupnosti v spreminjajoči se Evropi = Migrant children and Communities in a Transforming Europe.” Contribution to the conference Vključevanje, inkluzivnost in pravičnost v vzgoji in izobraževanju. Brdo pri Kranju, September 27–28.
- Škof, Lenart (2022): “From Antigone to Irigaray and Ettinger: feminist and matrixial reflections.” Invited lecture at the University of Iceland, Faculty for History and Philosophy. Reykjavik, November 3.
- Škof, Lenart (2022): “Marian Peace for the Children who Suffer in War.” Paper at the International conference Unwounded World: a Marian Peace for Our Shared Future. Rome, ACU Villa Maria Campus, October 5–6.
- Zadel, Maja, and Zorana Medarić (2022): “‘The family is most important!’ Child-centred perspectives on the role of the family in the integration process.” Paper at International Conference Child migration and integration: trends and challenges. Ljubljana, June 2–4.
- Gornik, Barbara (2021): “A child-centred approach to asylum law and policy as a way for countering the procedural (in)justice: building on evidence and asylum-seeking children’s views.” Paper at the 18th IMISCOE Annual Conference: Crossing borders, connecting cultures. Luxembourg and online, July 7–9.
- Gornik, Barbara, Lucija Dežan, Zorana Medarić, and Mateja Sedmak (2021): “Šolanje priseljenih učencev in dijakov v času pandemije Covid-19.” Contribution to the Roundtable Discussion at Pandemična družba: Slovensko sociološko srečanje. Ljubljana, September 24–25, 2021.
- Lenarčič, Blaž, and Rok Smrdelj (2021): “Družabnost in informacijsko-komunikacijske tehnologije v obdobju drugega vala epidemije SARS-CoV-2.” Contribution to the Roundtable Discussion at Pandemična družba: Slovensko sociološko srečanje. Ljubljana, September 24–25, 2021.
- Lenarčič, Blaž, Maja Zadel and Ksenija Perković (2021): Integracija beguncev preko socialnega podjetništva : primeri dobrih praks iz Slovenije. Contribution to the Roundtable Discussion at Pandemična družba: Slovensko sociološko srečanje. Ljubljana, September 24–25, 2021.
- Medarić, Zorana, Mateja Sedmak and Lucija Dežan (2021): “‘I never felt that I am from a foreign country’: multifaceted nature of migrant children’s identifications and belongings.” Paper at the 2nd International Interdisciplinary Scientific Conference of KN IDE, “(In)equality. Faces of modern Europe.” Wroclaw, November 20.
- Medarić, Zorana, Mateja Sedmak, and Barbara Gornik (2021): “Challenges of child-centred approach to the understanding of migrant children`s integration.” Paper at the 18th IMISCOE Annual Conference: Crossing borders, connecting cultures. Luxembourg and online, July 7–9.
- Medarić, Zorana, Mateja Sedmak, and Lucija Dežan (2021): “I never felt that I am from a foreign country: multifaceted nature of migrant children identifications and belongings.” 2nd International Interdisciplinary Scientific Conference of KN IDE, “(In)equality. Faces of modern Europe”, Wroclaw, November 20, 2021.
- Sedmak, Mateja (2021): “Pomen kulturnih kompetenc strokovnih delavcev na vseh ravneh izobraževanja.” Contribution to the conference Za medkulturno sobivanje v vrtcih, šolah in lokalnih okoljih. Online, June 10–11.
- Sedmak, Mateja (2021): “Družba negotovosti.” Paper at the VII. mednarodni kongres dijaških domov Ljubljana, March 20–21.
- Sedmak, Mateja, and Barbara Gornik (2021): “The Micreate Project, The Child-Centred Approach to the Integration of Migrant Children.” 2nd International Interdisciplinary Scientific Conference of KN IDE, “(In)equality. Faces of modern Europe.” Wroclaw, November 20.
- Sedmak, Mateja, Zorana Medarić, and Lucija Dežan (2021): “Procesi ‘sidranja’ in ‘sidrišča’ priseljenih mladostnikov v Sloveniji.” Contribution to the Roundtable Discussion at Pandemična družba: Slovensko sociološko srečanje. Ljubljana, September 24–25, 2021.
- Zadel, Maja, Ksenija Perković, and Blaž Lenarčič (2021): “Integracija beguncev preko socialnega podjetništva v Sloveniji : socio-demografski in zakonodajni pregled.” Contribution to the Roundtable Discussion at Pandemična družba: Slovensko sociološko srečanje. Ljubljana, September 24–25, 2021.
Organized events
- Conference Violence and interpretation/Nasilje in interpretacija co-organized by The Slovenian Philosophical Society, IFRŠ ZRS Koper, AMEU-ISH and Ljubljana City Library. Ljubljana and online, Zoom, 9.–10. February 2024.
- »From insight to impact: embracing child-centred approach in research with children.” Webinar within the project COORDINATE. February 28, 2024.
- “Mostovi namesto ograj.” Round table about migration and integration of migrants. Theatre Koper, April 25, 2024.
- “The Right Not to be Governed (Like That)? Democracy, Authoritarian Rule and Social Activism in a State of Emergency.” Presentation section with seven panels at the ECPR conference. Prague, September 4–8, 2023.
- International Scientific Conference Respiratory Philosophy: A Paradigm Shift.Co-organized by ZRS Koper, Institute for Philosophical and Religious Studies, with Kobe University, Kobe Institute for Atmospheric Studies. Portorož, June 18–21, 2023.
- International conference Unwounded World: a Marian Peace for Our Shared Future. Rome, ACU Villa Maria Campus, October 5–6, 2022.
- Conference “Child Migration and Integration: Trends & Challenges.” Ljubljana, June 2–3, 2022.
- Expert consultation for the integration of immigrants in the field of school policies – event within the project Migrant Children and Communities in a transforming Europe. Ljubljana, May 26, 2022.
- “Challenges and opportunities of inclusive schools: integration of immigrant children.” Seminar for teachers of primary and secondary schools, event within the project Migrant Children and Communities in a transforming Europe. Koper, April 13, 2022.
- International Philosophical Conference “Perspektive skupnosti: o dejstvih in vrednotah.” Co-organized by Slovenian Philosophical Society, ZRS Koper, Institute for Philosophical and Religious Studies, AMEU ISH, Library of Maribor. Maribor, December 15, 2022.
- “Challenges of child-centred approach to the understanding of migrant children’s integration.” Paper at the 18th IMISCOE Annual Conference: Crossing borders, connecting cultures. Luxembourg and online, July 7–9.
Other results
- Sedmak, Mateja, and Maja Zadel (2024): “Kritična kulturna pismenost v slovenskih šolah.” Delo, February 29, vol. 66, no.49, p. 17.
- Škof, Lenart, Sashinugla and Sigridur Thorgeirsdottir, eds. (2024): Elemental-Embodied Thinking for a New Era. New York and Dordrecht: Springer.
- Bjelica, Maja, and Lenart Škof, eds. (2023): “ZrakAir and Breath in Religions and Philosophies.” Special issue of the scientific journal Poligrafi, vol. 28, no. 111/112.
- Gornik, Barbara (2023): “Premisliti populizem družbenih gibanj.” Alternator: misliti znanost, October 26, no. 31.
- Kersten, Carool (2023): “Izrael, Palestina, Gaza: mejna področja in človeška ranljivost.” Delo, November 20, vol. 65, no. 277, p. 9.
- Sedmak, Mateja (2023): “Dekolonizacija izobraževanja v evropskih šolah.” Primorske novice, October 7, vol. 77, no. 232, p. 16.
- Sedmak, Mateja (2023): “Obstaja več načinov biti Slovenec ali Slovenka.” Primorske novice, April 22, vol. 77, no. 93, p. 16.
- Sedmak, Mateja(2022): “Problematika sovražnega govora in nestrpnosti do manjšin.” Contribution to the TV show Dobro jutro, TV Slovenija, 1st programme, April 1.
- Sedmak, Mateja (2022): “Banalnost zla.” Primorske novice, March 12, vol. 76, no. 59, p. 16.
- Sedmak, Mateja (2022): “Otroci selitev v Evropo vidijo kot ‘napredek’ in ‘nadgradnjo’.” Primorske novice, February 2, vol. 76, no. 27, p. 20.
- Sedmak, Mateja (2022): “Politike integracije morajo, če želijo biti uspešne, upoštevati perspektivo priseljenih otrok.” Delo, October 26, vol. 64, no. 249, p. 9.
- Sedmak, Mateja (2022): “Živeča demokracija.” Primorske novice, April 9, vol. 76, no. 83, p. 16.
- Sedmak, Mateja (2022): “Problematika sovražnega govora in nestrpnosti do manjšin.” Contribution to the TV show Dobro jutro, TV Slovenija, 1. program, April 1.
- Sedmak, Mateja, Barbara Gornik, Zorana Medarić, Lucija Dežan, and Maja Zadel (2022): MICREATE – Priseljeni otroci in priseljenske skupnosti v spreminjajoči se Evropi, 2019: intervjuji z zaposlenimi v osnovnih in srednjih šolah. Ljubljana: Fakulteta za družbene vede, Arhiv družboslovnih podatkov.
- Sedmak, Mateja, Barbara Gornik, Zorana Medarić, Lucija Dežan and Maja Zadel (2022): MICREATE – Priseljeni otroci in priseljenske skupnosti v spreminjajoči se Evropi, 2021: anketa med učenci in dijaki. Ljubljana: Fakulteta za družbene vede, Arhiv družboslovnih podatkov.
- Sedmak, Mateja, Barbara Gornik, Zorana Medarić, Lucija Dežan, Maja Zadel and Veronika Bajt (2022): MICREATE – Priseljeni otroci in priseljenske skupnosti v spreminjajoči se Evropi, 2019: intervjuji s strokovnjaki. Ljubljana: Fakulteta za družbene vede, Arhiv družboslovnih podatkov.
- Škof, Lenart (2022): “Krutost je ena sama.” Delo, December 24, vol. 64, no. 298, p. 12.
- Škof, Lenart (2022): “O vojni kot smislu biti in o miru kot smislu človeštva.” Delo, March 19, vol. 64, no. 65, p. 10.
- Škof, Lenart (2022): “Od-ranjeni svet: nasilje, vojna in poti k miru.” Delo, October 26, vol. 64, no. 249, p. 9.
- Furlan Štante, Nadja (2021): “Temelj za sožitje različnosti v luči migracij in begunske krize.” Primorske novice, June 2, vol. 75, no. 125, p. 14.
- Sedmak, Mateja (2021): “Blaginja otrok v Evropi: presentation of the project COORDINATE, cohort community research and development infrastructure network for access throughout Europe (Horizon 2020).” Contribution to the TV show Dobro jutro, TV Slovenija, 1. program,April 20.
- Škof, Lenart (2021): “Univerzalna pravica do zraka.” Delo, December 24, vol. 63, no. 299, p. 10.
- Škof, Lenart, and Miha Oražem (2021): “Skrbstvena demokracija, etika cepljenja in otroci.” Delo, September 17, vol. 63, no. 216, p. 7.