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Liminal Spaces: Areas of Cultural and Societal Cohabitation in the Age of Risk and Vulnerability

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About the Research Programme

ARIS CodeP6-0279

Period: 1. 1. 2020–31. 12. 2027

Head of research programmedr. Lenart Škof

This research programme focuses on investigating the complexity of the proposed problems by using a combined and coordinated interdisciplinary approach of internationally recognised research groups from the fields of humanities (philosophy) and social sciences (sociology), thus deepening and extending the work already successfully initiated and carried out. The studies in this programme will be focussed in particular on the liminal spaces, emerging within various cultural and societal areas, with their inherent risks and vulnerabilities analysed from the philosophical and sociological, but also broadly humanistic (feminist and gender studies, religious studies and cultural studies) points of view. Within recent developments – such as migration and humanitarian crisis in Europe and especially in the Mediterranean, political processes that threaten or even block further European integration and with the demise of the multi- or intercultural values and values of interreligious dialogue in favor or a more populist scenarios, we are in a need of a response and an indepth study of contemporary phenomena, related to the risks (tat are social and political) and vulnerabilities (as related to the human body and her/his identity) as present and detected in our societies and as found within communities that we are a part of. The main topics and objectives of this project will be: investigations into liminal spaces and borders shaping our lives in the age of uncertainty; studies of the elements of risk society with migration, especially as related to vulnerable bodies and identities of children/minors, women, migrants, dispossessed persons, religious minorities etc.; studies of cultural and societal liminal and contact areas in light of intercultural and interreligious dialogue; finally, peace building and studies in ethics and politics of hospitality and social and political cohabitation, also as related to the future role of Islam in Europe. Within the programme, we will innovatively apply the concept of caring democracy to the field of vulnerability and risk and propose a new view on social and political cohabitation in Europe and in the Mediterranean.

The scientific work of the research programme »Liminal Spaces: Areas of Cultural and Societal Cohabitation in the Age of Risk and Vulnerability« (P6-0279) is financed by the Slovenian Research and Innovation Agency (ARIS).

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Research Programme Team

Research Programme Leaders

Research Programme Team

Philosophical Group:

(Collaborating in the research team since 2020)

(Collaborating in the research team since 2022)

(Collaborating in the research team since 2023)

(Collaborated in the research team in the years 2020 and 2021)

Sociological Group:

(Collaborated in the research team in the years 2020 and 2021)

Research Programme Results

Evaluation of bibliographic research performance indicators according to ARIS methodology

Scientific publications






Conferences, public and keynote lectures, roundtables





Organized events


  • Conference Violence and interpretation/Nasilje in interpretacija co-organized by The Slovenian Philosophical Society, IFRŠ ZRS Koper, AMEU-ISH and Ljubljana City Library. Ljubljana and online, Zoom, 9.–10. February 2024.
  • »From insight to impact: embracing child-centred approach in research with children.” Webinar within the project COORDINATE. February 28, 2024.
  • “Mostovi namesto ograj.” Round table about migration and integration of migrants. Theatre Koper, April 25, 2024. 



  • International conference Unwounded World: a Marian Peace for Our Shared Future. Rome, ACU Villa Maria Campus, October 5–6, 2022.
  • Conference “Child Migration and Integration: Trends & Challenges.” Ljubljana, June 2–3, 2022.
  • Expert consultation for the integration of immigrants in the field of school policies – event within the project Migrant Children and Communities in a transforming Europe. Ljubljana, May 26, 2022.
  • “Challenges and opportunities of inclusive schools: integration of immigrant children.” Seminar for teachers of primary and secondary schools, event within the project Migrant Children and Communities in a transforming Europe. Koper, April 13, 2022.
  • International Philosophical Conference “Perspektive skupnosti: o dejstvih in vrednotah.” Co-organized by Slovenian Philosophical Society, ZRS Koper, Institute for Philosophical and Religious Studies, AMEU ISH, Library of Maribor. Maribor, December 15, 2022.


  • “Challenges of child-centred approach to the understanding of migrant children’s integration.” Paper at the 18th IMISCOE Annual Conference: Crossing borders, connecting cultures. Luxembourg and online, July 7–9.

Other results


  • Sedmak, Mateja, and Maja Zadel (2024): “Kritična kulturna pismenost v slovenskih šolah.” Delo, February 29, vol. 66, no.49, p. 17.
  • Škof, Lenart, Sashinugla and Sigridur Thorgeirsdottir, eds. (2024): Elemental-Embodied Thinking for a New Era. New York and Dordrecht: Springer.