Research areas:
- Philosophy
- Philosophical Theology; Social and Political Ethics; Indian Philosophy; American Pragmatism; Feminist Philosophy and Theology
Lenart Škof holds B.A. in Philosophy (1995, Faculty of Arts, Univ. of Ljubljana), M.A. in Theology (1998), and Ph.D in Religious Studies (2001) from Faculty of Theology, Univ. of Ljubljana.
Lenart Škof is Head of Institute for Philosophical Studies at ZRS Koper and Dean of Institutum Studiorum Humanitatis of AMEU.
Lenart Škof is a regular member of class VII »World Religions« at European Academy of Sciences and Arts, Salzburg (EASA).
He is editor-in chief (with Magdalena Górska) of “Routledge Critical Perspectives on Breath and Breathing”.
In the period from 2013 to 2018 he published 13 original articles, 11 chapters in monographs and 5 scientific monographs.
His main works are:
- Antigone’s Sisters: On the Matrix of Love (New York: SUNY Press, 2021);
- Shame, Gender Violence and Ethics: Terrors of Injustice, ed. by L. Škof and S. Hawke (Lanham: Lexington Books, 2021);
- Atmospheres of Breathing, ed. by L. Škof and P. Berndtson (New York: SUNY Press, 2018);
- Ethik des Atems (Freiburg: Karl Alber Verlag, 2017),
- Breath of Proximity: Intersubjectivity, Ethics, and Peace (Dordrecht: Springer, 2015);
- Pragmatist Variations on Ethical and Intercultural Life (Lanham: Lexington Books, 2012).
For his work Lenart Škof received several awards and grants:
- Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR) Distinguished Visitors Programme, India (University of Delhi and Jadavpur University) (2016);
- »Herald of Science« (»Glasnik znanosti«; award for exceptional scientific achievements of established researchers), Science and Research Center of Koper, University of Primorska, Slovenia (2013);
- Humboldt Grant for Experienced Researchers (7 months), Germany (Universität Erfurt, Max-Weber-Kolleg; hosts: prof. dr. Hans Joas and prof. dr. Thomas Schmidt) (2010–2012);
- Fulbright Research Grant (8 months), USA (Stanford University; academic supervisor: prof. dr. Richard Rorty) (2005–2006);
- »Svečana listina Univerze na Primorskem« (University’s junior scholar award), University of Primorska, Slovenia (2005);
- AAD Research Grant (6 months), Germany (Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen; supervisor: prof. dr. dr. Michael Eckert) (1999–2000);
- »Tomaževa nagrada« (Faculty’s award for an outstanding M.A. thesis), Theological Faculty, University of Ljubljana (1998).
He was invited to give lectures at several international scientific conferences and universities:
- “Schelling with the Vedas: Philosophical Reading of the Rigvedic Creation Hymn (RS X.129)”, Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, June 18, 2019.
- “Air and Breath: On New Perspectives in Humanities and Sustainable Development”, Heliopolis University for Sustainable Development, Cairo, June 12, 2019.
- “A cosmology of love: reading Antigone with Savitri”, Jadavpur University, Faculty of Arts, Dept. of Philosophy, Centre of Advanced Study in Philosophy, Kolkata, India, April 4, 2019.
- “A theology of the feminine divine: Wisdom-Sophia and Virgin Mary”, Jadavpur University, Faculty of Arts, Dept. of Philosophy, Centre of Advanced Study in Philosophy, Kolkata, India, April 5, 2019.
- “On Ontology of Love: Reading Schelling’s Clara”, Deakin Philosophy Seminar Series, Deakin University, Australia (November 2018);
- 23rd International Summer University, Invited Speaker at “Interreligious Dialogue” round table, Institute of Advanced Studies Koszeg, Hungary (July 2018);
- “Democracy as a Human Value: On the Ideal of Ethical Citizenship”, Australian Catholic University (ACU), ACU Leadership Centre Brisbane and ACU Melbourne Campus, Australia (June 2017);
- “The Philosophy of Breath in the Vedas, Schelling and Heidegger”, University of Delhi (Dept. of Sanskrit) and Jadavpur University (Dept, of Philosophy), New Delhi and Kolkata, India (March 2016);
- “Über die Möglichkeit des Windes bei Heidegger: auf dem Weg zu einem künftigen Zeitalter des Atems”, Institut für Philosophie der Universität Wien, Vienna, Austria (November 2015);
- “On Sacred Genealogies in Antigone, Mary and Sāvitrī: cosmology, ethics, and peace”, Linköpings Universitet (Tema Genus – Higher Seminar Lecture), Linköping, Sweden (October 2015);
- “Towards Ethics of Breath”, Universität Erfurt, Philosophische Fakultät, Seminar für Philosophie, Erfurt, Germany (November 2010);
- “Mild Gestures and the Spirit of Democracy”, Universität Erfurt, Max-Weber-Kolleg, Erfurt, Germany (November 2010).
Research activity:
Lenart Škof is (was) project leader of national projects (Slovene Research Agency):
- Mejna področja: območja kulturnega in družbenega sobivanja v dobi tveganja in ranljivosti [Liminal Spaces: Areas of Cultural and Societal Cohabitation in the Age of Risk and Vulnerability] Duration: January 1, 2020 – December 31, 2026.
- Preživeti dobo Antropocena z razvitjem nove ekološke pravičnosti in biodružbene filozofske pismenosti [Surviving the Anthropocene through Inventing New Ecological Justice and Biosocial Philosophical Literacy] Duration: July 1, 2019 – June 30, 2022
- Oživljanje kozmične pravičnosti: poetika feminilnega [Reanimating Cosmic Justice: Poethics of the Feminine] Duration: May, 2017 – April, 2020;
- Med etiko in politiko: K novi svetovni kulturi gostoljubja in nenasilja [Between Ethics and Politics: Towards A New World Culture of Hospitality and Non-violence] Duration: August, 2013 – July, 2016;
- Etika živali kot paradigma etike trajnostnega razvoja [Animal Ethics as a Paradigm of Sustainable Development Ethics] Duration: May, 2010 – April, 2013;
- Ungerjev demokratični eksperimentalizem: pragmatistični in medkulturni pogled [R.M. Unger’s Democratic Experimentalism: Pragmatist and Intercultural Approach] Duration: February, 2008 – January, 2011;
- Vloga primerjalnih modelov v konstrukciji medkulturne filozofije [Role of comparative Models in Construction of intercultural Philosophy; postdoctoral reasearch project] Duration: July, 2002 – June, 2004.
He was director and co-director of many international conferences:
- Surviving the Anthropocene: Towards elemental literacy and inter-disciplinary partnerships, co-organized by Institute for Philosophical Studies, Science and Research Centre Koper (Slovenia), Department of Philosophy, University of Iceland (Iceland), University of Innsbruck, Institute for Educational Sciences (Austria) and Alma Mater Europaea (Slovenia). (May 24-26, 2021, online conference);
- New Philosophical and Theological Foundations for Christian-Muslim Dialogue, coorganized by Science and Research Centre Koper, Iranian Association for Philosophy of Religion, Centre for Comparative Theology and Cultural Studies, University of Paderborn, European Academy of Sciences and Arts – World Religions Class, and Society for Comparative Religion. Portorož (May 27-29, 2019);
- Terrors of Injustice: Gender Violence and Ethics of Shame, Utrecht University, coorganized by Science and Research Centre Koper, Utrecht University and Norwegian People’s Aid, (October 4-5, 2018);
- Rethinking incarnation: theology, phenomenology and deconstruction, organized by Université de Montpellier 3/CRISES, Institut Protestant de Théologie-Montpellier, University of Ljubljana (Faculty of Theology), University of Vienna (Institute of Philosophy), held in Montpellier, (February 24–25, 2017);
- Borders debordering: Towards New World Culture of Hospitality, organized by Institute for Philosophical Studies, Univ. of Primorska, held in Gozd Martuljek, (June 30-July 3, 2016);
- Atem/Atmen (pneuma, prana, qi, ki) Conference, organized by Universität Hildesheim, Hildesheim, (July 2-5, 2015);
- The Poesis of Peace, organized by Institute for Philosophical Studies, Univ. of Primorska, held in Gozd Martuljek, (May 15-18, 2014);
- Living with Consequences, organization and venue: Faculty of Humanities, Koper, Slovenia, (October 14–15, 2011);
- The Age of Breath: Yoga, the Body and the Feminine, organized by Faculty of Humanities, Koper, Slovenia, held in Portorož, Slovenia, (May 6–8, 2010);
- Ayurveda: A New Way for Healthy Life in Europe, organized by Faculty of Humanities, Koper, Slovenia, held in Portorož, Slovenia, (March 5–6, 2009);
- Freedom and Democracy: European Perceptions, European Perspectives, Freiheit und Demokratie: europäische Perzeptionen, europäische Perspektiven, organization and venue: Faculty of Humanities, Koper, Slovenia, (December 4–6, 2008).
Lenart Škof is (was) serving in the following services:
- Ethics Committee of the Institute of Oncology, Ljubljana (2016- );
- Slovene PEN Centre – Management Board member (2016–2020);
- Ministry of Science & Slovenian Academy of Arts and Sciences, Council for national commission for integrity in science, Ljubljana (2016–2017);
- Ministry of Culture, Expert Commission for the Media Program, Ljubljana (2013–2015);
- Ministry of Science, Education and Sport, National Council for Education, Ljubljana (2009–2014);
- Ministry of the Environment, Group for the Treatment of GMO, Ljubljana (2006–2010);
- Ministry of Science, Group for the Quality Supervision and Implementation of the Bologna process, Ljubljana (2004–2006);
professional societies:
- European Academy of Arts and Sciences, World Religons Class (regular member)
- Društvo za primerjalno religiologijo [Society for Comparative Religion; president];
- Slovensko filozofsko društvo [Slovene Philosophical Society];
- International Pragmatism Society;
- Australasian Society for Asian and Comparative Philosophy (ASACP);
- Schopenhauer Gesellschaft;
- Gesellschaft für interkulturelle Philosophie;
- The Society of Richard Rorty;
and boards of editors:
- 2021– “Routledge Critical Perspectives on Breath and Breathing” (Book series Editor-In-Chief)
- 2021– Jadavpur Journal of Philosophy (Editorial Board member)
- 2020– Sophia, International Journal of Philosophy and Traditions (Editorial Board member)
- 2013– “Canada and the Americas/le Canada et les Amériques” (Book series, University of Ottawa; Editorial Board member)
- 2016– “Philosophical Library Series” (Filozofski odsek Slovenske matice: Editorial Board member)
- 2009– Annales, Ser. Hist. et Soc. (Editor – Humanities Section)
- 2014–2016 Confluence: Online Journal of World Philosophies (Advisory Board member)
- 2007–2015 Poligrafi (Editor-in-Chief), editorial board member (2015–).