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PILLARS is an Alliance for Education and Enterprises, aiming to co-create relevant skills and facilitate the flow of knowledge on sustainable impact. The innovativeness of PILLARS is in acknowledging ‘impact management’ as an emerging profession, which lacks structure, relevant skillset, requires supporting training and needs dedicated digital tools.


The INCEPT project supports cross-border judicial cooperation in cases related to the interception of telecommunications and the European Investigation Order (EIO). It develops a Methodology and Manual to identify gaps and good practices, with a focus on telecommunication interception. INCEPT also includes capacity-building for legal professionals and aims to improve EIO implementation and ensure evidence admissibility.


Parkinson's disease (PD) is an incurable neurodegenerative disorder, making therapies that manage symptoms and improve quality of life a crucial healthcare intervention for both patients and their caregivers. The NeuroDance project aims, through an interdisciplinary approach and certification, to train teachers to lead tailored dance interventions for people with PD and other neurodegenerative disorders. The main goal of the project is the annual implementation of a five-month dance intervention across four countries, which will be further developed into a digital platform for long-term education and dissemination of best practices.

Grain of Salt, Crystallising Cohabitation: Salt-Making as Experiential Environmental Wisdom

solinarstvo, okoljska modrost, izkustveno znanje, ekoetnografija, dediščinjenje, sobivanje, okoljska humanistika, ekofenomenologija, ekozofija, kulturna in naravna dediščina, soline, elementalno izkustvo, biosocialna postajanja, sol, kristaliziranje, utelešeno kritično mišljenje

Consortium for Knowledge Transfer – KTO*

Namen projekta je okrepiti raziskovalno podporo, povečati kadrovske kapacitete v projektnih pisarnah partnerjev, izboljšati znanja in kompetence za pisanje prijav na konkurenčne razpise evropskih centraliziranih programov ter poiskati dodatne priložnosti za interdisciplinarno in medsektorsko povezovanje raziskovalcev na partnerskih organizacijah.

Corporate Social Responsibility as a Responsibility of Directors

Projektom bo prispeval k razvoju pravne znanosti in utemeljitev novih smeri razvoja korporacijskega prava tudi na področjih, ki izhajajo iz zahtev trajnostnega razvoja, ki poleg okolijskih obsega tudi socialne vidike; to vključuje družbeno odgovornost podjetij kot enega od pravnih vzvodov premagovanja naraščajoče dohodkovne neenakosti v svetu.


Crossborder standardization of institutional terminology Interreg VI-A Italia-Slovenia 2021-2027 ITA-SI00600194 Duration: 15. 4. 2024 – 14. 4. 2026 (24 months)...


To ensure a high level of food safety throughout production and distribution, it is crucial to improve and harmonise analytical techniques for contaminant quantification. This constitutes the basis for reliable data regarding food product compliance with regulations and for resolving disputes and minimising financial losses within the food industry. The project will develop reference methods and reference materials for quantifying contaminants in both food and food packaging, with a specific emphasis on recycled materials. These metrological tools will aid industries in guaranteeing the delivery of safe food and sustainable packaging while adhering to regulatory requirements.

Slovenhood Dimensions between Local and Global at the Beginning of the Third Millennium

The key goal of our research is a deeper understanding of Slovenhood, which will deviate from the traditional concept of national identity, while at the same time allowing its status and existence.

Kinesiology for Quality of Life

With evolution and technological development, we have begun to neglect one of the basic biological needs - exercise - and have forgotten the important role it plays and the impact it has on our health and function. The general lack of physical activity (PA), the ageing of the population, the earlier onset of degenerative processes, a sedentary lifestyle, an unbalanced diet, environmental and ergonomic influences and extreme workloads are all factors that have a direct impact on an individual’s performance and quality of life.

The Mediterranean and Slovenia

The research programme The Mediterranean and Slovenia draws its scientific potential from a specifically structured milieu that emerged at the intersection between the Adriatic and Central Europe, and which from a historiographic viewpoint highlights the contiguity, and the borderland and interactive character of the Slovenian Mediterranean region.

Constructive Theology in the Age of Digital Culture and Anthropocene

The main aim of this research programme is to understand and bring into dialogue the role of Christianity in the ethics of environmental protection, ecological awareness and ecological empowerment on the one hand, and the theological and philosophical interpretations of technology, especially digital technologies, on the other.

Liminal Spaces: Areas of Cultural and Societal Cohabitation in the Age of Risk and Vulnerability

This research programme focuses on investigating the complexity of the proposed problems by using a combined and coordinated interdisciplinary approach of internationally recognised research groups from the fields of humanities (philosophy) and social sciences (sociology), thus deepening and extending the work already successfully initiated and carried out.


Fostering research support and activities to improve the performance on European research projects The project is co-funded by the Republic...

BioTech2Agri logotip barvno


The aim of the BioTech2Agri project is to increase the level of innovation in the agri-food sector by transferring existing biotechnological potential and promoting and enhancing the quality of biotechnology value chains in the cross-border area. The project encourages the exchange of expertise, experiences, and best practices, networking, and collaboration among stakeholders from academia, industry, public and private sectors, as well as policy improvement aimed at enhancing competitiveness and economic growth in the cross-border area.

AI-GRAPE logotip barvno


The AI-GRAPE project's objective is to develop and implement a Decision Support System (DSS). System created with artificial intelligence by combining data from weather stations, microenvironmental sensors, drones, satellites, and insect traps.



The main objective of KAŠTellieri project is to preserve, enhance and protect the cultural heritage of prehistoric hill forts (Kaštelir) within the sustainable cultural and tourist destination Cross-border Land of Prehistoric Forts – Upper Adriatic hillforts. The aim is to revive and promote upper Adriatic hillforts through innovative and sustainable cross-border tourism products, with a focus on digitalisation, social inclusion, and the green transition.


The cross-border project RecapMCV will contribute to the visibility of the cross-border tourism region by valorising, upgrading and promoting the digital products and their impacts, developed in the MerlinCV project, which are based on the valorisation of the untapped potentials of cultural and natural heritage and gastronomy.