Colleagues Nazaj na vrhnjo stran: Institute for Philosophical and Religious Studies Lenart Škof, PhD principal research associate, head of institute +386 5 663 77 00 *protected email* Maja Bjelica, PhD Research Associate, Deputy Head of Institute +386 5 663 77 00 *protected email* Gorazd Andrejč, PhD Senior Scientific Associate +386 5 663 77 00 *protected email* Tina Berdajs, PhD Assistant with Doctorate +386 5 663 77 00 *protected email* Petri Joakim Berndtson, PhD Research Associate +386 5 663 77 00 *protected email* Victoria Dos Santos Bustamante, PhD Assistant +386 5 663 77 00 *protected email* Nadja Furlan Štante, PhD Principal Research Associate +386 5 663 77 00 *protected email* Maja Gutman Mušič, PhD Research Assistant +386 5 663 77 00 *protected email* Noreen Herzfeld, PhD Principal Research Associate +386 5 663 77 00 *protected email* Tine Hribar, PhD Acad. Principal Research Associate +386 5 663 77 00 Tibor Hrs Pandur assistant +386 5 663 77 00 *protected email* Carool Kersten, PhD Senior Research Associate +386 5 663 77 00 *protected email* Matej Mertik, PhD research associate +386 5 663 77 00 *protected email* Helena Motoh, PhD senior research associate, head of unit +386 5 663 77 00 *protected email* Alberto Parisi, PhD research assistant +386 5 663 77 00 *protected email* Gašper Pirc, PhD research associate +386 5 663 77 00 *protected email* Tjaša Škorjanc Assistant, Young Researcher +386 5 663 77 00 *protected email* Karin Šmid Assistant, Young Researcher +386 5 663 77 00 *protected email* Luka Trebežnik, PhD research associate +386 5 663 77 00 *protected email*