Bibliographic research performance and CRIS
Research Areas:
- Phenomenology
- Ethics
- Philosophy of Religion
The academic Tine Hribar is one of the most important figures in post-war Slovenian philosophy. He is largely responsible for the Slovenian reception of Heidegger’s thought. He was a full professor of phenomenology and philosophy of religion at the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Ljubljana. His work covers phenomenology, ethics, onthology, philosophy of science, philosophy of religion, and literary theory. He has written on a variety of topics including the Slovenian national question, European identity, nihilism, global ethics, the concept of the sacred, death and immortality, and international politics.
Just as important as his philosophical research work, if not more so, is his role in the processes of democratisation and Slovenian independence. He is one of the co-authors of the Slovenian Constitution. In 1995 he was elected an associate member of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, and since 2001 he has been a full member.
He has worked as an editor of numerous periodicals (Tribuna, Problemi, Nova revija) and book collections (Znamenja, Philosophical Library series of Slovenska matica). He published more than thirty independent monographs, many of which have been translated into foreign languages: Človek in vera / Man and Faith (1968); Molk besede – Beseda molka / The Silence of the Word – The Words of Silence (1970); Resnica o resnici / The Truth about Truth (1981); Drama hrepenenja / The Drama of Longing (1983); Metoda Marxovega Kapitala / The Method of Marx’s Capital (1983); Sodobna slovenska poezija / Contemporary Slovenian Poetry (1984); Kopernikanski obrat / The Copernican Turn (1984); Moč znanosti / The Power of Science: The Marxist Theory of the Social Sciences (1985); Slovenska državnost / Slovenian statehood (1989); O svetem na Slovenskem / On the Sacred in Slovenia (1990); Sveta igra sveta / The Sacred Play of the World (1990); Tragična etika svetosti / Tragic Ethics of Sacredenes (1991); Uvod v Etiko / Introduction to Ethics (1991); Teorija znanosti in organizacija raziskovanja / Theory of Science and Organization of Research (1991); Ontološka diferenca / The Ontological Difference (1992); Fenomenologija I / Phenomenology I: Brentano, Heidegger, Husserl (1993); Pustiti biti / Letting Be: the Crisis of European Nihilism (1994); Slovenci kot nacija: soočanja s sodobniki / Slovenians as a Nation: Confrontations with Contemporaries (1995); Fenomenologija II / Phenomenology II: Heidegger, Levinas, Lacan, Derrida (1995); Filozofija religije / Philosophy of Religion (2000); Evangelij po Nietzscheju / The Nietzsche Gospel (2002); Dar biti / The Gift of Being (2003); Obvladovanje sveta in svetovni etos / Dominion over the World and World Ethos (2003); Evroslovenstvo / The Idea of a European Slovenia (2004); Globalizacija: svetovni mir in svetovni etos / Globalization: World Peace and World Ethos (2006); Fenomenološki etos / Phenomenological Ethos (2009); Preživetje naroda: avtonomnost duha in suverenost države / Survival of the Nation: Autonomy of Spirit and Sovereignty of the State (2010); Ena je groza / There is Only One Dread (2010); Nesmrtnost in neumrljivost I: Od šamanov do kristjanov / Immortality and Undeath I: From Shamans to Christians (2016); Nesmrtnost in neumrljivost II: Krščanska posmrtna nesmrtnost / Immortality and Undeath II: Christian Posthumous Immortality (2017); Nesmrtnost in neumrljivost III: Sodobna teologija, filozofija in znanost / Immortality and Undeath III: Contemporary Theology, Philosophy and Science (2019); Rusko vprašanje: Rusija, Slovenija, Evropa: 1821-2021 / Russian Question: Russia, Slovenia, Europe: 1821-2021 (2021); Slovenski razkoli in slovenska sprava: Usodni trk ‘valjhunstva’ in boljševizma / Slovene Schisms and Slovene Reconciliation: The Fatal Clash of ‘Valjunstvo’ and Bolshevism (co-authored with Spomenka Hribar) (2021).