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Bibliographic research performance and CRIS

Research Areas:

  • Contemporary philosophy
  • Philosophy of religion


Luka Trebežnik, PhD (born 1984) is a doctor of religious studies. His research covers the fields of contemporary philosophy (especially French post-structuralist thought, deconstruction and phenomenology) and philosophy of religion (issues of the relationship between faith and reason, mysticism and philosophy, Jewish and Christian elements in contemporary philosophy).

Between 2017 and 2019 he was employed as a research assistant at the Faculty of Theology, University of Ljubljana, where he participated in the project “The Return of the Religious in Postmodern Thought as a Challenge for Theology” (J6-7325). He is currently working on his postdoctoral research project “Challenges of Postmodern Philosophy of Religion: Textuality, Transcendence, Community” (Z6-2665) at the Institute for Philosophical and Religious Studies ZRS Koper.

In 2018, he published a monograph on Jacques Derrida (entitled “Between Nihilism and Messianism”). He has translated several modern philosophical texts from English and French. As an author, guest editor and reviewer, he contributes regularly to many domestic and foreign journals.