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Bibliographic research performance and CRISORCID

Research Areas:

  • Contemporary History
  • History of Religions
  • Transnational history
  • Historical Anthropology


Gašper Mithans studied Cultural studies and anthropology (2007) and holds a PhD degree in History of Europe and the Mediterranean (2012) at University of Primorska, Faculty of Humanities, Koper.

At the Institute for Historical Studies at the Science and Research Centre Koper he is employed since 2014. He also started his academic career at SRC Koper (2007–2012), followed by lecturing at University of Primorska, Faculty of Humanities as external lecturer and a researcher (2013, 2014). He led a European project funded by the Europe for Citizens programme (2015–2017), conducted post-doctoral research funded by Slovenian Research Agency (2016–2017) and is managing a project on religious changes in Slovenia and Yugoslavia (2021–2024).

Mithans has participated in two research programmes, and several national and international research projects. His monograph ‘Jugoslovanski konkordat: pacem in discordia ali jugoslovanski “kulturkampf”’ received a national award for the best first book in the field of historiography. Besides, he is the author of a number of scientific articles, chapters, collective volumes, and conference papers, mostly from the field of history of religions and the history of the interwar Yugoslavia.

In 2020 he was a Visiting Fulbright Scholar at University of California, Berkeley.

Gašper Mithans received following awards:

  • 2019: Science and Research Centre Award “Glasnik znanosti” for outstanding scientific achievements by early-career researchers;
  • 2018: Ervin Dolenc award for the best first book in the field of historiography (Historical Association of Slovenia);
  • 2008: Vladimir Bartol’s Award for the best undergraduate thesis (University of Primorska, Faculty of Humanities).

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