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The overall objective of the TBrainBoost is to boost international and intersectoral mobility and improve links between academia, business and society in the field of healthy aging. TBrainBoost will achieve this through a series of secondments between academic institutions and businesses working in the field of healthy aging, and a number of educational activities.


Waste4Soil envisions the development of 10 technological and methodological solutions for recycling food processing residues from the food industry into local, biobased circular soil improvers for improved soil health. A user-driven standardised Evaluation Framework will support stakeholders from the food value chain, including waste managers, to assess their status towards food processing residues circularity and take action for recycling suitable waste streams into beneficial soil improvers.


Empowering Women in Alpine Skiing (EWAS) aims to contribute to inclusion and diversity, in particular gender equality, and increase women’s employability in Alpine skiing by promoting education and skills development in the sport and thus improving the quality of coaching. EWAS’ primary target groups are women in Alpine skiing (coaches, administrators, racers).


The POSEIDONE project is aimed at the functional area of the northern Adriatic Sea, from the city of Chioggia (Italy) to the Slovenian coast. The general goal of the project is the promotion of local development by favoring the protection of nature and biodiversity, the development of green and blue infrastructures in Natura 2000 sites, the reduction of tourist pressure on natural parks or natural areas, the improvement of the landscape by the promotion of biodiversity in agriculture, the protection of native species and the dissemination of knowledge.

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This project aims at rethinking the history of Cold War Europe by examining the development of transnational cross-border cooperation between “East” and “West” from the end of World War II to the present. Overcoming traditional visions of a clear-cut European separation symbolized by the Berlin wall, a decentralized analysis of recent European history will show us that the question of a divided continent should be reframed.


GUIDE (Growing Up In Digital Europe: EuroCohort) will be Europe’s first comparative birth cohort survey: a Research Infrastructure that will be an important source of high quality longitudinal statistical evidence to support the development of social policies which will enhance the wellbeing of children, young people and their families across Europe for many years to come.


The overall aim of SCORE is to design, develop, monitor and validate robust adaptation measures in coastal and low-lying areas to protect them from increasing climate and sea level risks, including coastal flooding and erosion, to enhance their overall long-term resilience.


The infrastructural community initiated by COORDINATE will benefit from enhanced access to current infrastructural data platforms and will promote the harmonisation of and improve access to international cohort panel survey data in the study of children as they grow up.