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ECO2SMART – Promoting active citizen awareness to strengthen resilience, ecosystem-based adaptation and risk prevention of disasters

Interreg VI-A Italija-Slovenija 2021-2027 ITA-SI0100053

Duration: 1. 9. 2023–31. 8. 2025

Coordinator at ZRS Koper: Liliana Vižintin, PhD

Project’s budget: 564.733,80 EUR

Participating Institute at ZRS Koper: Mediterranean Institute for Environmental Studies

Partners’ organizations:

  • Municipality of Koper, Slovenia, LEAD PARTNER
  • Municipality of Monfalcone, Italy
  • University of Padova, Italy
  • Shoreline Soc Coop, Italy
  • Consorzion di Bonifica Veneto Orientale, Italy

Project Summary:

The ECO2SMART project promotes active awareness of citizens to strengthen ecosystem-based climate change adaptation and disaster risk prevention. Through this boosting the resilience of the coastal areas involved in the project. It is intended to achieve this with the capitalization of ECOSMART which includes: 1) strengthening impact and consolidating outputs, 2) transferability/reuse of outputs, 3) providing better visibility with stakeholder awareness, training and participation.

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