Liminal Spaces: Areas of Cultural and Societal Cohabitation in the Age of Risk and Vulnerability
This research programme focuses on investigating the complexity of the proposed problems by using a combined and coordinated interdisciplinary approach of internationally recognised research groups from the fields of humanities (philosophy) and social sciences (sociology), thus deepening and extending the work already successfully initiated and carried out.
N.E.A.R. to Guardians
The key objective of the N.E.A.R. to Guardians project is to ensure full access to basic rights and strengthen the potential of unaccompanied minors in participating partner countries, with a focus on key areas of integration, such as accommodation and inclusion in education and employment.

The activities of the HUMAN project are geared towards preventing hate speech directed against diasporas in partner countries. These initiatives are centered around education and digital practices aimed at fostering inter-community activism and cultivating positive changes in the attitudes and behaviors of young people.

The aim of EXPECT_art is to identify current barriers and potentials for promoting critical cultural literacy by means of arts education, education through arts and uses of arts in education within and across different educational contexts in Europe, to generate and activate knowledge on how to enhance critical cultural literacy and understanding among European citizens.

TESI aims at establishing a partnership that will work on the formulation of a Joint Master Programme on Social Innovation (JM). With this aim, the project focuses on two main objectives: to raise competences and skills on social innovation through capacity building approaches, with a focus on contemporary social challenges in public administration’s governance, urban regeneration, social entrepreneurship, welfare, migration; to establish a network of universities and research centres to define and implement the JM.

FATIMA2 aims contribute to ending honour crimes against women by promoting attitude and behaviour change among young men in contexts where women are most at risk, such as segregated migrant communities.

GUIDE (Growing Up In Digital Europe: EuroCohort) will be Europe’s first comparative birth cohort survey: a Research Infrastructure that will be an important source of high quality longitudinal statistical evidence to support the development of social policies which will enhance the wellbeing of children, young people and their families across Europe for many years to come.

Community Linkage aims at establishing an effective connection between gender-based violence (GBV) services and migrant women communities to promote the early identification, prevention and support in the context of the post COVID-19 pandemic, through a community-based approach.

REBOOT NOW is a child-centered transnational piloting initiative aimed at preventing and combating gender-based violence (GBV) among children/young people by supporting their psychological well-being through an evidence-based replicable service, with their active engagement.

PITCH project is aimed at establishing a common European ground to support the design and implementation of local integration strategies addressed to migrant women, based on a personalised, participatory, and multi-stakeholder approach.
A child-centred approach to integrating immigrant children: the role of school in integration with regard to the parents’ aspect
ARIS Code: Z5-3219Project duration: 1. 10. 2021–31. 5. 2024Project leader: Maja Zadel, PhDParticipating institute at ZRS Koper: Institute for Social...
Freedom of opinion and expression through the narratives on the state of emergency: anthropological study of Slovenian (anti)democratic consciousness during the Covid-19 epidemics
The overall objective of the project is to examine conceptualizations of freedom of opinion and expression as they emerge through narratives of state of emergency by conducting systematic anthropological socio-legal research over a three-year period.

The infrastructural community initiated by COORDINATE will benefit from enhanced access to current infrastructural data platforms and will promote the harmonisation of and improve access to international cohort panel survey data in the study of children as they grow up.