Carlo Reggiani, PhD
Research Areas:
- Skeletal muscle fibre plasticity in ageing, inactivity and exercise.
- Structure-function relation of myosin and myosin isoforms, myosin isoform expression, intracellular signals and gene expression regulation.
- Medical degree at the Medical School of the University of Pavia (1972)
- Specialization in Cardiology at the University of Pavia (1977)
- Research training at the Institute of Human Physiology-University of Pavia (1974-1978)
- Visiting scientist at the Department of Pharmacology, University of Lund (Sweden), in the laboratory of Professor Paul Edman (1980-1984)
Prof. Carlo Reggiani is currently Emeritus Professor of Physiology at the Department of Biomedical Sciences, Medical School, University of Padua, Italy. He is collaborating with a Laboratory of Muscle Biophysics at the Department of Biomedical Sciences, University of Padova with main research topics: structure-function relation of myosin, paralogous and orthologous myosin isoforms, intracellular signals and gene expression regulation in skeletal muscles, intracellular calcium as a signal in skeletal muscle. He is also a Principal Research Associate at The Institute for Kinesiology Research (IKARUS) ZRS.
He is author of more than 200 original articles indexed in PubMed (more than 90 of them in the period 2009-2019, 10 invited reviews), with a total of well over 9.000 citations and h index 48 (Scopus) or almost 16.000 citations and h index 57 (Google Scholar).
For his work he received the Award Feltrinelli – Accademia Italiana dei Lincei , 2014.
Research activity:
Research grants from European Union:
- grant “Energy transduction in muscle“ in the frame of Human Capital and Mobility (4th framework program), (1995-1998);
- grant “Energy transduction in muscle and related motility systems: structure, function and mechanics“ in the frame of Human Potential Research Training network (5th framework program), (1999-2002);
- grant “MyoAge« (7th framework program), (2009-2012);
- Interregio Grant “PANGeA” (2011-2014);
- NATO grant for the project “Myosin light chain and cardiac contractility“ in collaboration with University of Yerevan (Armenia).
Italian Ministry of University and Research (MIUR): PRIN
- “Mechano-chemical transduction in sarcomeric myosins”, (1998-2000);
- “Mechano-chemical transduction in sarcomeric myosins :Structure-function relation in myosin orthologous isoforms«, (2000-2002);
- “Mechano-chemical transduction in sarcomeric myosins :From gene to protein and function: ortholog myosin identification and biophysical characterization in mammalian skeletal muscles”, (2002-2003);
- “Mechano-chemical transduction in sarcomeric myosins : Sarcomeric Myosin Isoforms: genes, proteins and motor function”, (2004-2005);
- “Regulatory mechanisms in skeletal muscle plasticity”, (2006-2007);
- “Skeletal muscle fiber plasticity studied at microgenomics level”, (2008-2010);
- “Novel developments in studies of Ca2+ entry mechanisms: relevance to skeletal muscle function and diseases”, (2017-2020);
- Progetti di Eccellenza CARIPARO: “Microgenomics of individual myofibres: high-resolution expression profiles in skeletal muscle physiology and pathology”, (2010-2012);
- Progetti di Eccellenza CARIPARO: “Modeling And Monitoring Motions In Proteins”, (2012-2014).
- grant n 373 – “Hyperthyroid and hypothyroid myopathies”, (1994-1997);
- grant n 1017 – “A novel mechanism of calcium mediated regulation of muscle contraction: functional characterization”, (1998-1999);
- grant n GP0229Y01 – “The dystrophin mediated link between cytoskeleton and extracellular matrix : biophysical studies on ionic conductances and mechanical properties of the sarcolemma“, (2001-2003);
- grant n GGP04113 – “Collagen VI myopathies: from mouse therapy to human trials”, (2004-2005);
- grant n GGP08153A – “Calsequestrins in calcium homeostasis and potential role in inherited human skeletal muscle diseases”, (2009-2011);
- grant n GGP 13213 – “Altered calcium handling in Central Core Disease and Malignant Hyperthermia: understand molecular mechanisms and genetic background to develop innovative therapeutic interventions”, (2013-2016).
Italian Space Agency (ASI)
- “Effetto dell’inattivita’ e dell’assenza di peso sul sistema contrattile del muscolo scheletrico. Regolazione genica e proprietà funzionali”, (1997-1999);
- “Load and activity- dependent mechanisms which control muscle growth and function”, (1999-2002);
- “Mechanisms of force and mass reduction in experimental models of muscle atrophy” and “Space flight and loss of strength in upper limb muscles“, (2006-2009);
- “Preventing muscle atrophy during space flights by interfering with Akt-FoxO-Atrogin-1 signaling”, (2011-2014).
Carlo Reggiani is a member of professional and scientific societies:
- Member of the Council of the School of Medicine, University of Padova, (2012 to 2018);
- Director of the School of Specialization in Sport Medicine at the Medical Faculty of the University of Padova, (2009-2012);
- Director of the graduate course of Human Movement Science (Scienze Motorie) of the University of Padova, (2009 to 2017);
- Director of the Physiology section of the Department of Anatomy and Physiology, Medical School, University of Padova, (2005-2011);
- Secretary of the National PhD Program in Physiology (Universities of Milano, Pavia, Bologna, Sassari and Cagliari) (1984 – 1999);
- Vice-Director of the Institute of Human Physiology, University of Pavia (1990 -1999);
- Director of the School of Specialization in Sport Medicine at the Medical Faculty of the University of Pavia, (1998-1999).