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Bibliographic research performance and CRIS

Research Areas:

  • Contemporary economic history
  • Social history
  • Venetian history
  • History of criminality


Oskar Opassi earned his Bachelor’s degree in history and sociology in 2016 at the University of Ljubljana. He continued his studies there to receive his Master’s thesis in Social and Cultural History from the Department of History. He completed his studies in 2020 with the thesis titled “An Infant Corpse on the Bottom of the Well: Infanticide in the criminal proceedings of mid-18th century Padua”. He also spent a semester at the University in Padua in 2018 as part of an Erasmus+ exchange. In October 2020, he became a Young Research Fellow of the Institute for Historical Studies at SRC Koper.

As a Young Research Fellow under the mentorship of prof. dr. Egon Pelikan, he is focussed on economic development and its social consequences for the Littoral region of Slovenia between 1954 and 1991. He is a PhD candidate at the Department of history at the Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana. His additional research interests include deviant social groups as well as history of crime and criminology.