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Bibliographic research performance and CRISORCID

Research fields:

  • Kinesiology
  • Neuroscience
  • Prevention of falls, cognitive decline and dementia
  • Psychophysiology
  • Cognitive neuropsychology


Research Associate Uroš Marušič, PhD is employed at the Science and Research Centre Koper and is the Deputy Head of the Institute for Kinesiology Research. He graduated from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana, from the department of Cybernetics in medicine (2011) and acquired a Ph.D. from the study program Applied Kinesiology of the University of Primorska (2015). Under the mentorship of Prof. Rado Pišot and co-mentorship of Prof. Voyko Kavcic he specialized as a young researcher in the field of neuroscience of movement and in the course of his doctoral dissertation examined the effect of cognitive training during bed rest in elderly on their cognitive functioning, mobility control and the brain electrocortical activity. He received the prestigious “Young Investigator Award” at the Congress of European College of Sport Science and he is the author of numerous scientific articles in the field of prevention of cognitive-motor decline.