Bibliographic research performance and CRIS
Research Areas:
- Biotechnology
- Agronomy
- Environmental sciences
Suzana Škof graduated in agronomy at the Biotechnical Faculty of the University of Ljubljana. For the graduation thesis she received Prešeren Prize for Students of the University of Ljubljana. She continued her studies at the Biotechnical faculty of University of Ljubljana as a young researcher, where she obtained a PhD in biotechnology in 2008.
She has been working as a researcher within ECO-SMART project (Cooperation Program Interreg V-A Italy-Slovenia 2014-2020) at the Mediterranean Institute for Environmental Studies (MIES) at the Science Research Centre, Koper since 2020. Her research is focused on topics related to biology, biotechnology, and environmental sciences, such as ecosystem services analyses and climate change vulnerability assessment, payments for ecosystem services, climate change mitigation and adaptation, and community capacity building.
She was working as a principal researcher on a postdoctoral project titled Molecular analysis of the chromosome region responsible for sex development in hops (Humulus lupulus L.) at the Biotechnical Faculty of the University of Ljubljana before joining ZRS Koper. She was also working as a teaching assistant at the same faculty. She was employed as an expert within the project Life from Soil (Erasmus + Strategic partnership) at the Biotechnical Center Naklo. She is currently also employed at the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food working in the field of Slovenian Rural Development Programme.
She has published several original scientific and professional articles and conference papers.