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Bibliographic research performance and CRIS

Research Areas:

Her basic research covers the field of kinesiology in a broader sense, among which is the sociological aspect of the environment and the contemporary lifestyle impact on the human activity or inactivity.
Her research focuses more specific on social factors for shaping lifestyles and their influence on the physical efficiency of the studied populations as well as to other social phenomena in the connection with kinesiology.

  • Sociology of everyday life with an emphasis on social factors of physical (in) activity; and factor of shaping of lifestyle; Sociology of sport (impact of life events on the life of athletes, cohesiveness and group dynamics of sports teams, etc.)


Saša Pišot is a research associate at the Institute for Kinesiology Research (IKARUS) ZRS Koper.
She graduated in 1996 at University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Social Sciences in the field of Sociology (HRM). In 2008, she obtained the title of Master of Cultural Studies and Anthropology at the Faculty of Humanities at the University of Primorska and in 2018 succesfully defended her Ph.D. from Humanities and Social Studies; in scientific field: Sociology of Everyday Life at University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Social Sciences.
She is involved in the current national and international projects carried out by the Institute. Her research focuses on the research of social phenomena in the field of kinesiology, such as social particularities of modern society in the context of physical (in)activity of particular social group.
Since 1996 to date, she published more then 80 scientific and professional publications.