Improving the application of the presumption of iNNOCEnce when applying elecTronic evidence
HORIZONT 2020. JUSTICE Project Grants – 101056685
Duration: 16. 5. 2022–15. 5. 2024
Project’s budget: 420.648,00 EUR
Participating Institute at ZRS Koper: Law Institute
Contact person: dr. Rok Svetlič
Partners’ organizations:
- Pravo i Internet Foundation, Bulgaria, LEAD PARTNER
- Uniwersytet Im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, Poland
- Kuča Ljudskih Prava Zagreb Udruge, Croatia
- Bratislavsky Institut Pre Politicku Analyzu, Slovakia
- Ceeli Institut, OPS, Czech Republic
Project Summary:
The project “Improving the Application of the Presumption of Innocence in the Use of Electronic Evidence (INNOCENT)” focuses on the procedural rights of individuals suspected or accused of criminal offenses, particularly their right to presumption of innocence until proven guilty, and how this could be interpreted in the context of electronic evidence. INNOCENT exclusively targets jurisdictions in Central and Eastern Europe to map similarities, best practices, and challenges in the region regarding the practical application of the presumption of innocence. Furthermore, INNOCENT aims to strengthen cooperation among neighboring jurisdictions concerning the intersection between the presumption of innocence and electronic evidence.