The INCEPT project supports cross-border judicial cooperation in cases related to the interception of telecommunications and the European Investigation Order (EIO). It develops a Methodology and Manual to identify gaps and good practices, with a focus on telecommunication interception. INCEPT also includes capacity-building for legal professionals and aims to improve EIO implementation and ensure evidence admissibility.
Corporate Social Responsibility as a Responsibility of Directors
Projektom bo prispeval k razvoju pravne znanosti in utemeljitev novih smeri razvoja korporacijskega prava tudi na področjih, ki izhajajo iz zahtev trajnostnega razvoja, ki poleg okolijskih obsega tudi socialne vidike; to vključuje družbeno odgovornost podjetij kot enega od pravnih vzvodov premagovanja naraščajoče dohodkovne neenakosti v svetu.
The Improving the application of the presumption of iNNOCEnce when applying elecTronic evidence (INNOCENT) project focuses on procedural rights of persons suspected or accused of crime, in particular their right to be presumed innocent until proven guilty, and how this should be construed in the context of electronic evidence. INNOCENT targets exclusively Central and Eastern Europe jurisdictions in order to map the similarities, best and worst practices in the region with regards to the practical application of the presumption of innocence. INNOCENT further aims to enhance the cooperation between the neighbouring jurisdictions in regard to the juncture between the presumption of innocence and electronic evidence.
Social Contract in the 21st Century
In contemporary society many of the Enlightenment foundations have been challenged. In the next research period, the program adds to the research of the fate of the social contract the specific context of the “European contract”, that is a contract about the unified Europe after the crises (financial, refugee, Brexit).