Gašper Pirc, PhD
collaboratore scientifico
Gašper Pirc, PhD
Research areas:
- Social and political philosophy;
- Critical social theory;
- Moral philosophy and philosophy of law;
- Hermeneutics and the critique of ideologies.
Gašper Pirc studied at the University of Ljubljana and at the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg (from 2009-2010) and graduated in 2012 with a diploma in philosophy and comparative literature and literary theory (pre-Bologna system). In 2020, he was awarded a PhD in philosophy (thesis: “Perspectives of Hermeneutics in the Philosophy of Law and Normative Ethics”).
Since 2019, Gašper Pirc has been employed as assistant researcher at the Institute for Philosophical Studies of ZRS Koper and a teaching assistant on Alma Mater Europaea – ISH. He is also a vice-president of Slovenian Philosophical Society, where he designs the outlook of the society, cooperates in the organization of the events, and edits the websites of SFD and the journal Anthropos. Before that, he cooperated with the Inštitut Nove revije, Fenomenološko društvo and Central European Research Institute Søren Kierkegaard, where he took on various roles and particular jobs (research, organization and hosting of various events, public lectures). In 2018 he was guest researcher at the University of Vienna. Between 2016 and 2019 he participated on over 10 impactful international conferences in Slovenia, Italy, Croatia, Germany, Austria and Great Britain.
He participated in the organization of events of ZRS Koper, The Slovenian Philosophical Society, Fenomenološko društvo and Central European Research Institute Søren Kierkegaard.
Gašper Pirc published several scientific articles in peer-reviewed international academic journals and monographs.
The researcher was awarded several scholarships based on his achievements in studies and research, i.e. “OeAD Research Scholarship (Stipendien der Stipendienstiftung der Republik Österreich, Undergraduates, Graduates, Postgraduates)”, “Zois scholarship of merit”, ” Innovative scheme for the co- financing of PhD studies to promote social challenges – grade A “, and Austrian scholarship “Ernst Mach Grant, weltweit”.
Research activity
Gašper Pirc currently works at ZRS Koper in a capacity of a researcher on the project “Ustvarjena bitja, ljudje, roboti: teologija stvarjenja med humanizmom in posthumanizmom”. Before that, he participated in the project “Oživljanje kozmične pravičnosti: poetika feminilnega” at ZRS Koper and conducted the project “Recognition, Ideology and Social Pathology in the Contemporary Society” at the University of Vienna. He also cooperated with the research group Humanistik und der Sinn der Humanität in den geschichtlichen und gegenwärtigen Sichtpunkten. In 2020 he is conducting a research project titled “The Perspectives of Critical Social Hermeneutics in the Current Social and Political Climate” at the University of Innsbruck, Austria, under the supervision of dr. Andreas Oberprantacher.
He was a host and a member of the program committee for the public discussion “The Statues of Ethics in Society”, which was organized in 2019 in the organization of Slovenian Philosophical Society. At Slovenian Philosophical Society he also coorganized several academic events in 2019. He is a member of program committee for the organization of events at the Central European Research Institute Søren Kierkegaard and a member of European Society for Moral Philosophy. He organized and hosted the events for Fenomenološko društvo and is a reviewer at various academic journals.
Original Scientific Articles in Peer-Reviewed Journals
- 2018 – “Kant and Critical Hermeneutics: The Historicity and Teleology in Kant’s Later Philosophy and Its Ethical and Political Potential.” Phainomena 27/106-107, str. 183-206. ISSN: 1318-3362
- 2017 – “The Awareness of Human Finitude and Creativity: Hermeneutic Phenomenology in Response to the Contemporary Ethical and Political Challenges.” Metodo. International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy 5/2, str. 185-218. ISSN: 2281-9177
- 2016 – “Znamenje formalne naznake: o metodi v zgodnji filozofiji Martina Heideggra [The indication of method in the early Heidegger’s philosophy].” Phainomena 25/96-97, str. 65-94. ISSN: 1318-3362
- 2014 – “Pravni diskurz in pravna zavest: očrt filozofskih temeljev hermenevtike prava [Legal discourse and legal consciousness].” Phainomena 23/90-91, str. 165-179. ISSN: 1318-3362
- 2013 – “Življenje žive metafore: o metafori v filozofiji Paula Ricoeurja [The life of living metaphor: on the metaphor in the philosophy of Paul Ricoeur].” Phainomena, 22/86-87, str. 101-139. ISSN: 1318-3362
Book chapters
- 2017 – “Ethical and Aesthetic Foundations of Legal Consciousness” v Repetition as event, edited by Primož Repar. Ljubljana: KUD Apokalipsa, str. 135-143.
- 2016 – “Etično-estetični temelji pravne zavesti” v Ponovitev kot dogodek: [kako udejanjiti eksistencialni preobrat? : subjektiviteta v luči (ne)obstoječe stvarnosti med notranjostjo in zunanjostjo]. Ljubljana: KUD Apokalipsa, str. 409-416.
Works in preparation/review
- 2020/in print – Social Pathology in the Contemporary Society: On Alienation, Repetition and the Forgetfulness of the Sympathetic Recognition
- 2020/in review – “Political Recognition, Ethical Values, and Social Norms: Honneth, Nancy and Critical Hermeneutics on Social Ontology and the Ethics of Intersubjectivity.”
- In preparation – “Social Pathology, Ontology of the Social and the Quest for the Normative Justification.”
Other articles in scientific journals and professional magazines
- 2019 – Tihelj, Tinkara; Pirc, Gašper: “The Status of Ethics in Society.” Researcher. European Journal of Humanities & Social Sciences 3/2, 137–145.
- 2013 – “Navidezno življenje filozofije Petra Sloterdijka”, book review, Apokalipsa: revija za preboj v živo kulturo 173/174, str. 200-202.
- 2013 – “Perspektive metafore : metafora v filozofskem diskurzu,” Apokalipsa: revija za preboj v živo kulturo 170/171, str. 67-91.