Dragica Čeč, PhD
Research Areas:
- History of everyday life
- Cultural history
- Social history
Dragica Čeč has graduated in 2002 in history at the University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts. Between 2002 and 2009, she was a postgraduate student of the doctoral study programme History at the same Faculty. She received her PhD degree in 2009, with a thesis on marginal groups in 18th century (“Poor, Beggars and crimials in 18th century in Krain”), supervised by Marko Štuhec and Boris Golec.
She is employed at the Science and Research Centre, Institute for Historical Studies as a Senior Research Associate, where she is active since the beginning of his career as a researcher. In the years from 2006 to 2016, she collaborated with the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Primorska, Koper, Slovenia as an Assistant, Assistant Professor and Associate Professor within the undergraduate and MA courses of History. In 2019 she was guest lecturer at MA course History of Gender on University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts.
Dragica Čeč has received following grants and awards for her work:
- 2012: Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Fellowship for postdoctoral research at the University of Saarland, Germany
- 2011: July-December: Visiting Fellowship at the Faculty of Arts, Department of Sociology, University of Graz, Austria (sponsored by the Ministry of Science, Austria).
- 2010: The Glasnik znanosti award (by the Science and Research Center of Koper) for individual top scientific achievements of promising researchers
- 2003-2004 Herder Stiftung Hamburg, Fellowship for doctoral research and study at University of Vienna.
She regularly presents the results of her research at scientific conferences and publishes them in both Slovenia and international peer-reviewed journals and publications.
Research activity:
The research work of Dragica Čeč includes studies on history of everyday, history of gender, history of poverty, history of family and households, collective violence, cultural history of upheaval and violence, societal responses to crises, individual experiences in different life-stages, social care, history of solidarity and other topics of social and cultural history, with an emphasis on the 18th and 19th century. Her bibliography comprises more than 150 items, including more than 50 scientific articles, book chapters and reviews in several languages (Croatian, English, German), edited one volume and has been co-editor of three multilingual volumes.
She is involved in various national and international research projects, and is currently also the leader of the project ‘MerlinCV’ (Interreg V-A Italija-Slovenija 2014-2020), which integrates cultural heritage into innovative tourist products.
Currently she is a member of research group of several ARRS projects: ‘Adriatic Welfare States. Social Politics in a Transnational Borderland from the mid-19th until the 21st Century’, Cultural-historical aspects of senescence: experiences, representations, identities” and Ambition, careerism, greed, betrayal: social-material strategies, practices, and communication of social elites in the Slovenian territory during the Early Modern Period and the research programme ‘The Mediterranean and Slovenia’
She has a post-doc project: “Me, the poor: social and cultural analysis of everyday life of the poor with emphasis on analysis of pauper letters” (2010-2012) and was a head of bilateral project: Patterns of domestic violence in early modern times. Case studies of causes of domestic violence in Istria and some part of Slovenian territory (2018-2019).
In the past years she was a member of research team of several other research projects, such as ‘Heart of Istria, and within national research/applicative projects, f.e.: ‘Social and demographic image of Istria in the Early Modern Age’ (2009-2011); ‘Rural and Urban Primorska: Social, Economic and Legal Relations from the Old Order to Modernization’ (2009-2011); ‘Rebellious Survival Strategies in Slovenian Territory (16th to 19th Cent.)’ (2011-2014), ‘The potency of small Istrian towns (14th to 18th Cent.) (2013-2016).
She is a member of scientific board of several scientific journal: Acta Histriae (SI), Zgodovina za vse (SI), Šolska kronika (SI), Problemi sjevernog Jadrana (CRO), History in flux (CRO). She was a member of programme and organization committees of several (international) scientific conferences: History of childhood, History of Food, Ego- docuemnts and history, 150-anniversary of Tabor of Vižmarje and Upheaval in Tolmin in year 1713.