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Network for cross-border cooperation aimed at the rehabilitation of the post-stroke patient with innovative technologies

Interreg VI-A Italija-Slovenija 2021-2027 ITA-SI0100054

Duration: 1. 6. 2023–31. 5. 2025

Coordinator at ZRS Koper: Rado Pišot, PhD

Project’s budget: 749.940,53 EUR

Participating Institute at ZRS Koper: Institute for Kinesiology Research

Partners’ organizations:

  • Università degli Studi di Trieste – Dipartimento di Scienze Mediche, Chirurgiche e della Salute, Italy, LEAD PARTNER
  • University Health Authority Giuliano Isontina, Italy
  • Splošna bolnišnica Izola, Slovenia

Project Summary:

The X-BRAIN.net project addresses a common health challenge of the Programme Area in relation to the development and improvement of research and innovation capacity and the introduction of new technologies in hospitals in the Programme Area. Post-stroke patients occupy 15% of the capacity of health facilities in the Programme Area. Starting post-stroke rehabilitation as early as possible is crucial. In addition, bilingualism is an important factor and therefore cross-border cooperation between institutions is essential to provide quality health care in a bilingual area.

Project website: Webpage