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Model for gender-sensitive intergration strategies based on Personalised, partIcipaTory, loCal, and multi-stakeHolder approaches

AMIF Action Grant – 101038534

Duration: 1. 1. 2022–31. 12. 2024

Project’s budget: 1.488.467,37 EUR

Participating Institute at ZRS Koper: Institute for Social Studies

Contact person: dr. Mateja Sedmak

Partner organisations:

  • Comune di Palermo, Italy
  • SYMPLEXIS, Greece
  • Dimos Neapoles – Sukeon, Greece
  • Science and Research Centre Koper, Slovenia
  • Municipality of Koper, Slovenia
  • International Consulting and Mobility Agency SRL, Spain
  • Ayuntamiento de Sevilla, Spain
  • CSI Center for Social Innovation LTD, Cyprus
  • Municipality of Ipsonas, Cyprus
  • VSI Diversity Development Group, Lithuania
  • SWIDEAS AB, Sweden
  • Zwiek Mias Baltyckich Stowarzenie, Poland

PITCH is a 36-months project, aimed at establishing a common European ground to support the design and implementation of local integration strategies addressed to migrant women, based on a personalised, participatory, and multi-stakeholder approach. The project will do so by co-designing a model, translating it into 7 local strategies, and pilot-testing it with migrant women in Italy, Greece, Slovenia, Spain, Cyprus, Lithuania, and Sweden.

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