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Nazaj na vrhnjo stran: Institutes and infrastructural units
Knjižnica ZRS Koper

The structure of its library collection and the activities it carries out make the ZRS Koper Library one of the so-called special libraries in the field of science.

The task of the library is to collect, organise and preserve library materials, the content of which is related to the scientific fields of ZRS Koper research groups. The activities are primarily aimed at supporting the scientific research work of the parent institution.

Due to the nature of the parent institution’s work and the demands stemming from its activities in the competitive national and, above all, international research fields, the library of ZRS Koper is partially losing its role as a classic library and is increasingly assuming the task of an information and documentation centre. It is of utmost importance that the bibliographic records of researchers are kept up-to-date.

The support the library provides to researchers in publishing their scientific papers in open access is also valuable. The specific scientific skills required to work successfully in a special library enable staff to work at the interface between the library, information and documentation, and publishing activities of the parent institution, thus contributing to its success and visibility.

Opening times

Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday

09:00 – 15:00

CLOSED on Tuesday, Saturday and Sunday

Head: Peter Čerče

Tel.: +386 5 663 77 04

Peter Čerče, ZRS Koper library