The Institute of Oliveculture of the Science and Research Centre Koper, in cooperation with the International Olive Council, kindly invites you to an international workshop held within the framework of the 6th edition of the traditional “Hlaje Days”,
on Friday, 16February 2024, at 9.30 am (first part) and at 4 pm (second part),
and on Saturday, 17 February 2024, at 4 pm
in the Centre for Humanities of the Science and Research Centre Koper
(Kreljeva ulica 6, Koper).
The international workshop will be attended by two distinguished representatives of the olive industry: Lhassane Sikaoui, PhD, head of the Olive Growing, Olive Oil Technology and Environment Unit of the International Olive Council (IOC), and Catarina Bairrao Balula, PhD, head of the Technical Cooperation and Training Department of the International Olive Council (IOC). In addition, we will also be hosting the leading expert in the field of olive fertilising, Ran Erel, PhD, from the Gilat Research Centre (Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Israel), as well as Juan Moral, PhD, from the Agronomy Department (University of Cordoba, Spain), who will talk about how to protect olives from diseases.
To find out more about the programme of this international workshop, please click HERE.
All lectures will be interpreted in the Slovenian language.
To facilitate the organisation of the event, we kindly ask you to notify us of your attendance by Wednesday, 14 February 2024, by sending us an e-mail to (please also indicate the time slots of lectures that you intend to attend).
You are kindly invited to join us!