ARRS Code: P5-0409
Period: 1. 1. 2019 – 31. 12. 2027
Head of research programme: Vesna Mikolič, PhD
The main purpose of the research programme is to explore how Slovenhood as a spiritual and social phenomenon works during the time of radical global changes. Modern research on national question confronts difficulties in addressing the often intertwining contradictory trends of globalisation, multiculturalism and localism. Slovenia also faces these globalisation processes. It has entered the Union as a young country which was immediately after becoming independent faced both with the problem of searching its identity and the question about strategies that would allow its implementation and, thus, a harmonious development on all social areas. Such development should enable Slovenia to develop its national sovereignty further, while at the same time ensure close involvement in the European and global civilisation framework.
The key goal of our research is a deeper understanding of Slovenhood, which will deviate from the traditional concept of national identity, while at the same time allowing its status and existence. The perspective of mobile and intercultural society will be possible because the programme group consists mainly of researchers whose main research field is the multicultural and cross-border environment of the Slovene cultural space and Slovene diasporas, and they come from three research institutions with key studies in these fields: Science and Research Centre Koper, Institute for National Issues (Ljubljana), SLORI (Trieste). The advantage of the programme group will be its interdisciplinarity, as it includes experts in the fields of national issues, ethnic studies, sociology, slovenistics, linguistics, philosophy, religious studies, history, and law. Based on all the above described, the concept of modern Slovenhood will be described as: a) the place of a spiritual stay, b) an autonomous social structure, c) an element of local, regional, European and world space. For this purpose, we will work within five thematic sections: 1. Re-definition of the term: What does it mean to be a Slovene / Slovene and what is Slovenhood? 2. Slovene thought, culture and identity in the context of European and global interculturalism; 3. Slovene language as a European language against the challenges of globalisation; 4. Shaping and re-shaping of the Slovene national identity in the light of contacts between motherland, Slovene minorities in neighbouring countries and Slovene diasporas; 5. Responsible social policies focusing on the integration of vulnerable social groups This concept of Slovenhood can serve as a model example for less numerous nations and minorities. The Slovene culture and the Slovene state with all its dimensions will thus be the starting point for reflection on the national idea in the third millennium in general. Some innovative social models and strategies (economic, political, educational, coexistence models, etc.) will be developed, which will be communicated to the public through recognized scientific and professional publications.