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ZRS Koper is Hosting the Symposium 300 Years of Kant: From Local to Global Contexts

The event will take place on October 8 at the Centre for Humanities at ZRS Koper (Kreljeva 6, Koper). It will bring together leading Slovenian and international Kant scholars, as well as philosophers inspired by Kant, to honour his legacy and engage in discussions about it.

This one-day event will gather relevant Slovenian and international experts on Kant and the intellectual perspectives he inspired. For over 200 years, Immanuel Kant’s philosophical thought has shaped the world and influenced nearly all subsequent philosophical directions in one way or another. From his contemporaries to today’s analytical and continental philosophers, many thinkers have emulated Kant, further developed his ideas, or productively challenged his thought, which sparked a “Copernican revolution” in philosophy and contributed to the maturation of modern philosophical thinking. This thinking addresses essential questions that remain relevant today, including the place of humanity in the world, the limits of human knowledge, forms of practical human action, and the vision of a truly cosmopolitan society.

The symposium will also commemorate the recent passing of long-time member of the Slovenian Philosophical Society and esteemed philosopher, Prof. Nenad Miščević, who dedicated much of his recent research to Kant’s concept of cosmopolitanism.

The keynote speaker will be Dr. Otfried Höffe from the University of Tübingen in Germany, presenting a lecture titled “Immanuel Kant: From the Grounded Son of a Craftsman to a Cosmopolitan”.

The complete programme and details of the symposium are available HERE.