The Institute for Philosophical and Religious Studies ZRS Koper announces the publishing of the Open Call for the Central-European Network for Sonic Ecologies (CENSE) symposium. The call invites submitting innovative, interdisciplinary proposals for lectures, peripatetic or performative lectures and other forms of presentations.
Building on the 2023 Beyond Listening: Agency, Art, and the Environment symposium in Budapest and the rich range of subjects discussed there, we invite you to submit a proposal in response to this open call for a follow-up CENSE Symposium Beyond Listening 2025: Walking-with Changes, to be held in Ljubljana (Slovenia), from 23 to 25 September 2025, in the frame of TO)pot Festival.
By walking-with and listening to the “cultural turn” toward posthumanism we contribute to a shift in understanding humanity’s place within the world, challenging human exceptionalism and dominance. By walking-with and listening we engage in embodied practices that stimulate awareness of limited planetary resources and humanity’s destructive impact, from climate change to biodiversity loss. Such practices urge us to rethink the relationships with non-human life, technology, and ecosystems, advocating for an ethical shift and interdependent approach, to inspire coexistence for more sustainable futures.
Themes of the open call:
- Walking-with changes;
- Listening-with and -beyond disciplines;
- Staying-with solastalgia;
- Resonating-with lessons from the Anthropocene;
- Being-with other-than-human sonic environments;
- Rethinking-with epistemologies and ethics.
The deadline for applications is 10 February 2025.
For more information see the CENSE announcement.
The official open call in available in PDF format.

The CENSE Symposium Beyond Listening 2025: Walking-with Changes (Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2025) is produced by CONA Institute, co-organised by the Science and Research Centre Koper, Institute for Philosophical and Religious Studies, and facilitated by the Central-European Network for Sonic Ecologies.