As part of the ECO2SMART project, the Mediterranean Institute for Environmental Studies ZRS Koper invites you to a study visit. ECO2SMART promotes active citizen awareness for strengthening resilience, ecosystem-based adaptation, and disaster risk prevention.
The event will take place on Tuesday, 24th September 2024, starting at 9:45 am at the Škocjanski zatok (Nature Reserve Park Škocjan, Sermin 50, Koper).
Throughout the day, participants will be introduced to the ECO2SMART project, experience a virtual tour and presentation of the pilot action by the Municipality of Koper at the Semedela Bonifika, and attend a lecture titled “Nature-based Solutions for Climate Change Adaptation in Urban Areas.” Various video presentations will also be shown, followed by a visit to Škocjanski zatok (Nature Reserve Park Škocjan).
You can read more HERE.
The registration deadline for the event is Wednesday, 18th September 2024, by sending an email to .
You are warmly invited!
The ECO2SMART project is one of the capitalization projects under the Interreg VI-A Italy-Slovenia Programme. The project promotes active citizen awareness regarding the reduction of climate change impacts and natural disaster risks through ecosystem-based solutions. It aims to strengthen the resilience of coastal areas involved in the project. ECO2SMART builds on the knowledge developed by project partners in the ECO-SMART project (Interreg V-A Italy-Slovenia 2014-2020) and will be further developed in the extended ECO2SMART project.