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ECO2SMART: Invitation to participate in the design and implementation of climate change adaptation measures

The ECO2SMART project (Promoting active citizen awareness to strengthen resilience, ecosystem-based adaptation, and disaster risk prevention, Interreg VI-A Italy-Slovenia 2021-2027 ITA-SI0100053), implemented within the Interreg Italy-Slovenia Cooperation Programme for the period 2023-2025, promotes participation in the design and implementation of climate change adaptation measures based on ecosystem approaches. In addition to environmental benefits, such as the preservation and restoration of ecosystems, these measures provide a numerous social benefit, including improved well-being of the population and increased resilience to the impacts of climate change.

You are invited to join the ECO2SMART project network, which brings together project partners, stakeholders, experts and all residents of the Interreg Italy-Slovenia Programme area, who are interested to participate in networking and discussion events aimed at co-designing ecosystem-based climate adaptation and disaster risk reduction solutions for the Northern Adriatic coastal areas.

During the events, recognised good practice measures will be presented, and the social and environmental benefits of these measures will be discussed in depth. Participants will be encouraged to network and seek solutions that are effective and appropriate to address the challenges at the local level. There will be an opportunity to network with other interested participants and experts from Slovenia and Italy. The events are free of charge, bilingual and will take place in the programme area, either in Slovenia and/or Italy.

More information about the project can be found on its official website and social media channels on Facebook and LinkedIn.

Those who express interest in joining the ECO2SMART network via the Google Form will receive invitations to upcoming events.

To find out more about the project, follow THIS LINK.