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Dr Mateja Sedmak, Head of the Institute for Social Studies at ZRS Koper, has become the national representative of the Strategic Working Group for Social Sciences and Humanities

Dr. Mateja Sedmak, Head of the Institute for Social Studies from Science and Research Centre Koper (ZRS Koper), has become the national representative of the Strategic Working Group for the field of social sciences and humanities.

The Strategic Working Group for the field of Social Sciences and Humanities is part of the European Strategic Forum on Research Infrastructures (Social Science and Humanities Strategy Working Group, European Strategic Forum on Research Infrastructure – ESFRI).

The Strategic Working Group for the field of Social Sciences and Humanities monitors and evaluates the implementation of existing infrastructure programmes, shares and disseminates best practices, and assesses and enhances the quality of future infrastructure programmes.

For more information about the European Strategic Forum on Research Infrastructures, you can find it HERE, and about the activities of the Working Group for Social Sciences and Humanities, you can find it HERE.