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Among the recipients of the KLIO award also dr. Jure Ramšak, Institute for Historical Studies ZRS Koper

Science and Research Centre (ZRS) Koper informs that on Wednesday, May 26, 2021, the recipients of the KLIO award, the award for the best historical study for 2018 and 2019, and the winner of the Ervin Dolenc award for the best debut in the field of historiography were announced.

Among the winners is also our colleague, dr. Jure Ramšak, Institute for Historical Studies ZRS Koper.

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The nominees for the KLIO award were:

  • Aleš Gabrič: In the Shadow of Politics: Opposition to the Communist Authority in Slovenia. Ljubljana 2019
  • Damijan Guštin, Vladimir Prebilič, Uroš Svete: The Carinthian Struggle for an Independent Slovenia: 1989-1991. Ljubljana 2018
  • Miha Kosi: The Clash for the Transitions to the Adriatic and the Formation of the “Karst Land” Ljubljana 2018
  • Aleksander Lorenčič, Jože Prinčič: Slovenian industry from its inception to the present day. Ljubljana 2018
  • Marta Rendla: “Where do you sail the standard?” Standard of living and socialism. Ljubljana 2018
  • Jure Ramšak: (Self) management of intellect. Social critique in late socialist Slovenia. Ljubljana 2019
  • Petra Svoljšak, Gregor Antoličič: Years of Horror. Slovenes and the First World War. Ljubljana 2018


The KLIO Award is the central professional award for the best study in the field of historiography. The KLIO Award, as the central professional award of historians, has been awarded by the Association of Historical Societies of Slovenia since 2000. On the untimely death of its proposer, dr. Ervin Dolenc, the association decided in 2010 to join the Ervin Dolenc Award for its historiographical debut, which it named after him. The main purpose of the award is to encourage better, especially more pervasive and complex research work. At the same time, the award represents the promotion of high-profile research achievements both among the profession and the general public. This year, the commission awarded two Klio prizes, and among the nominated works were some top and pioneering works. Each historiographical work is at the same time a piece in the mosaic of the identity of the space and the understanding of its natural and cultural heritage.

This year’s Klio winners are: Petra Svoljšak and Gregor Antoličič for the work Years of Horror and Jure Ramšak for the work (Self) Management of Intellect: Social Criticism in Late Socialist Slovenia.

The Ervin Dolenc Award was also presented. It was awarded to David Petelin for his work Living in Socialist Ljubljana.

Congratulations to dr. Jure Ramšak!