The Institute for Historical Studies of the Science and Research Centre Koper and the
Society for the Promotion of Patriotic Traditions of the Primorska TIGR Organisation
cordially invite you
to attend the presentation of the book by Federico Tenco Montini, PhD, Research Associate of the Institute for Historical Studies of the Science and Research Centre Koper,
entitled Trsta ne damo! Jugoslavija in tržaško vprašanje 1945-1954.
The event will take place on Monday, 29 January 2024, at 6 pm at the Centre for Humanities of the Science and Research Centre Koper (Kreljeva ulica 6, SI-6000 Koper).
The monograph penned by Mr Tence Montini, PhD, is the result of in-depth research in the most important archives in Belgrade, Zagreb and Ljubljana. It explains some aspects that could only be guessed at in the reconstructions available so far.
You are kindly invited to join us!