Literary magazines played a fundamental role in European history of the twentieth century. The exhibition, originally hosted in Trieste, will relocate to Koper in March, thereby establishing a symbiotic connection between the two cities. The exhibition explains the manners and reasons underpinning the impact wielded by European literary magazines.
The research, culminating in the said exhibition, brings together eight partners from six European countries. Its focal point revolves around the role assumed by certain Eastern European literary magazines in acts of opposition and resistance, underscoring their paramount significance in the democratization processes of the nations engaged. The travelling exhibition that journeyed between partner organizations will now stop in Koper.
The opening ceremony of the exhibition will be held on Friday, 1 March 2024 at 11am at the Centre of Humanities of the ZRS Koper (Kreljeva 6, Koper).
The inauguration of the exhibition will be presided over by Professor Dr Rado Pišot, Director of ZRS Koper, and Mr Mitja Čander, Director of Beletrina Publishing House.
The visitors will be guided through the exhibition by Dr Vesna Mikolič, coordinator of the LITMAG project at the Institute for Linguistic Studies of ZRS Koper, and Dr Sergia Adamo, coordinator of the LITMAG project at the Department of Humanities of the University of Trieste. This will be followed by an apéritif.
The lead project partner is Beletrina Publishing House. The other partners include the National Museum of Contemporary History of Slovenia (Slovenia), the University of Salzburg (Austria), the University of Bielsko-Biala (Poland), the University of Pécs (Hungary), the Directorate of Memorial Museums in Vilnius – the Venclovas’ House-Museum (Lithuania), the University of Trieste (Italy), and the Science and Research Centre Koper (Slovenia).
The exhibition will run until 22 March 2024.
Travelling exhibition, part of the LITMAG international project (East European Literary Magazines 1945–2004): Testing the Boundaries and Paving the way to Democratization, No.: 101051192 – LITMAG), which aims to address shortcomings in the field of European literary magazines, analyse them and raise public awareness of the pivotal role that they have assumed. Particularly important for this area are the periodicals La Battana, Most and Zaliv (Trieste native writer and academic Boris Pahor), which served as a sanctuary for many intellectuals and dissidents of the time.

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